Do Ionic Air Purifiers Work?

In discussing the workings of ionizing air purifiers, we’ve covered their working principle, types, effects on viruses and chemicals, and pros and cons.

You’ll also find details about the side effects of using these, why ionizing air purifiers are a terrible idea, and more reliable air purifiers to go for; let’s get started.

Do Ionizing Air Purifiers Work?

Air purifiers help remove all kinds of contaminants and airborne particles, ranging from UV-C purifiers, activated carbon filters,  ionizing air purifiers, etc.

Here, we focus on one of these: ionizing air purifiers. Do they work? The goal is to provide all the correct answers needed to take action.

By the end, you’ll know the extent of their usefulness.

Working Principle of Ionizing Air Purifiers

We begin with a brief introduction and explanation of the working principle of ionizing air purifiers. As the name implies, these are designed to purify the air by releasing negative ions.

The goal is for these ions to attract or attach themselves to unwanted particles like smoke, dust, pollen, and other airborne allergens that are positively charged.

As these negative ions attach to the positively charged particles, they become heavier and are drawn in and trapped more easily by the filter.

While this may sound practical and impressive, such may not apply in real-life functioning. In other words, there have been many complaints about these air purifiers not working. Is that true?

Do ionizing air purifiers work? Read on for answers.

Types of Ionizing Air Purifiers

Before we get into any specifics, let’s consider the types of ionizing air purifiers. There are different types of designs that all have the same working principles.

They include ionizer fans, electrostatic precipitators, bipolar ionizers, UV-C ionizers, air purifiers with ionizers, and several others.

Although they’re all designed to purify air, let’s look at how some of these function.

For ionizer fans, these are fans designed to release negative ions while blowing air. Now, not every fan comes with such capability.

These can work as regular fans and can be turned into an air purifier from the settings.

For bipolar ionizing air, purifiers are designed to release negative and positive air ions. It still serves to make pollutants denser and more straightforward to trap.

How Effective are Ionizing Air Purifiers on Viruses

Do ionizing air purifiers go as far as eliminating viruses in the air? There’s a widely held belief among users that they do.

However, this isn’t considered a fact in the scientific community due to factors like virus size, ozone generated by these air purifiers, and whether viruses are actually killed or only deactivated.

These debates cast doubts on the capacity of ionizing air purifiers to remove viruses.

You’re better off looking for air purifiers or other solutions for removing viruses from your surroundings. This helps protect your health as well as that of your loved ones.

As you read further, the cons or drawbacks of using this air purifier type, which has been highlighted, may serve as a dealbreaker.

You may have to look elsewhere for solutions.

Do they Remove Chemicals in the Air?

How effective are ionizing air purifiers in removing chemicals in the air?

If you’ve heard such claims from friends or other users, we’re sorry to disappoint you by saying they aren’t helpful in chemical removal. Some other filters (like activated carbon) will do a better job of air purification, especially with chemical removal.

The reasons ionizing air purifiers can’t get rid of chemicals in the air can be explained in the sense that ionization has little to no impact on gas molecules.

Chemical presence in air is mainly in a gaseous state. This is why a carbon filter will do a better job of chemical removal than ionizing air purifiers would.

So, you may have to look for other solutions for chemical removal in the air.

Pros and Cons of Ionizing Air Purifiers

You’re better off weighing the information before you to determine if ionizing air purifiers work. This includes looking at the pros and cons.

Regarding the pros, most ionizing air purifiers promise to remove impurities like pet dander, airborne bacteria, dust allergens, spores, pollen, and mold.

A study has suggested ionizing air purifier use as serving as an anti-depressant. This purifier is also believed to improve sleep and overall mood improvement.

One of the apparent benefits is the overall improvement of air quality. While these may sound desirable, wait to read the cons of using these purifiers.

The cons of ionizing air purifier use include ozone generation.

High ozone levels are known to damage your health, with likely conditions like shortness of breath, coughing, and lung damage resulting from continued exposure.

Persons with allergies are at a risk of getting triggered when using these purifiers. Plus, these have zero effect on foul odors.

Why Ionizing Air Purifiers are a Bad Deal

While looking to purify your air, how you go about it is crucial.

It’s best to adopt the safest option you can find. Regarding safety, ionizing air purifiers cannot be placed in the category for obvious reasons: ozone generation.

Besides its negative health impact, this purifier won’t do an excellent job of purifying your air compared to other alternatives.

You’re better off researching what will serve your needs best. Ionizing air purifiers aren’t entirely worthless. However, they are unsuitable for several reasons.

There’s no point in using an air purifier that poses a risk or danger during usage. Safety concerns and user satisfaction are paramount for many and should form the basis for choosing a product.

More Reliable Air Purifier Alternatives

Having discussed ionizing air purifiers at length, looking at other alternatives is necessary. Thankfully, there are several that are considered to be more reliable.

Examples include smart filters, electrostatic precipitators, and high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. While there are more, these will serve your air purification needs.

Ionizing air purifiers may work in some aspects but rank low in overall efficiency and safety. These filters have their drawbacks, which can be disadvantageous.

You’re better off researching other, more reliable alternatives like those mentioned above. What you’ll use them for also matters.

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