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How To Get Rid Of Skunks – 9 Removal Tips

    For those who are interested in how to get rid of skunks in the yard completely, this guide provides the necessary steps to exterminate these pests.

    Skunks aren’t only known for their smelly and highly odorous spray. These striped creatures are also known to cause property damage.

    These are two reasons why no one would like to have them around. Whether you have an existing skunk problem or want to prevent them from coming, you should find this article very informative.

    FACT CHECK: Is It Legal to Poison Skunks?

    We aim to provide you with solutions to a problem many find disgusting. It doesn’t matter what approach you prefer. You should find as many useful extermination strategies here which can easily be implemented to control skunks.

    So without further delay, let get to business.

    Skunk Damage

    Skunks are nocturnal creatures that cause damage to properties, lawns, and plants. This is all in a bid to get to their food.

    One of the ways to identify skunk presence is by looking out for holes on your property. However, we all know that other pests dig up holes. So, there’s no way of knowing if a hole was dug by a skunk or not. Is there? Well, we’ll soon find out.

    If you own pets, then no one needs to tell you how problematic skunk presence can be. Pets are known to be adventurous.

    While being adventurous, they tend to overstep their bounds by getting too close to skunks. This is when they get sprayed. You are left with the responsibility of cleaning them of this odorous smell.

    When skunks burrow underneath your home, several things are likely to go wrong. A major problem has to do with damage to electrical wiring which can lead to fires.

    How to Identify Skunk Problem

    The first step to rid your home of skunks is being able to identify the problem. Luckily or unluckily for you, skunk presence can be identified by its odor.

    However, this isn’t as bad or concentrated as its spray. Skunk odor isn’t the only way to establish its presence. These creatures burrow holes on the ground as well.

    Skunks feed mainly on insects, hence their burrowing activity. You need to also be on the lookout for their droppings. So, how can you distinguish skunk droppings from other creatures?

    Their droppings are approximately half an inch wide and 2 inches long. In addition to that, you should find insect remains in such droppings.

    Pretty gross right? Well, you don’t need to inspect droppings if you’ve perceived skunk musk and noticed burrows around.

    Where to Look for Skunks

    Knowing where to look is an important part of the process of getting rid of skunks. In other words, we are talking about skunk habitats.

    Can skunks climb stairs? Yes. These mammals have long claws and sharp teeth for digging. As such, they can easily scale outdoor structures, fenced-off buildings, wood, vehicles, and boards.

    Skunks can be found in several places, but their burrowing habits make them more likely to be found underground. So, consider looking under low clearance areas such as sheds. These areas provide a cover from where skunks launch their foraging activities.

    Skunks are also likely to burrow down below your house or property. If you suspect their presence through their musk, then you’d have to find the entry points. These are burrows through which skunks find their way beneath your home. There are likely to be multiple entry points too.

    Therefore, find these, and you’d be ready to apply appropriate steps.

    How to Get Rid of Skunks in the House

    Taking appropriate action involves fighting back skunk invasion. This is through the adoption of varied, yet effective approaches to deter skunks.

    You don’t need to worry if you have no prior experience in skunk control. That is why this article was written in the first place. We aren’t bringing you one method but several strategies to choose from.

    This section of our article highlights and explains how to take advantage of these removal options.

    • Introduce Solar Lighting

    Solar lighting is among the most effective ways to frighten skunks. Skunks are nocturnal creatures and carry out most of their activities during this time. These solar lights are lowered so they are at skunk eye-level.

    One of its (solar light) best features is that it stays on all night. Solar lights give off rhythmic flashes that scare skunks away.

    Skunks mistake them for the predator’s eyes. As a result, they take flight and won’t dare approach as long as this continues. This way, you’d have succeeded in not only keeping skunks at bay but also scare other nocturnal creatures.

    • Call Wildlife Control

    Wildlife control offers vital services, with one of the most important ones being the removal of wild animals which get too close for comfort. These are highly trained professionals backed by years of experience. Wildlife control professionals come into your property to inspect and assess the problem.

    This procedure is standard practice and seeks to not only remove invading skunks but also keep them out.

    You’ll need to be involved in the process. This is through the adoption of preventive measures which you will be instructed on by the experts.

    Remember, you should stick with every piece of advice you receive even after skunks and their kits have been successfully removed. Doing so prevents skunks from returning.

    If you are interested in this option, have a look at the cost involved in hiring such skunk removal services

    • Fence them Out

    Skunks will have a field day when there’s no barrier or wall around your home or garden. However, the story will be entirely different when there’s a good fence. Don’t get it confused though.

    Building a fence will do little to help the situation if there’s an existing skunk infestation or presence. In this situation, you’ll need to flush them out using other strategies listed here before relying on a fence to keep them out.

    Lest we forget, your fence should go one foot deep below the ground surface. This is necessary to avoid skunks bypassing your barrier through burrowing.

    If these creatures try to burrow, they are met with an underground barrier, thus, forcing them to turn back.

    • Use Motion-Activated Sprinklers

    Motion-activated sprinklers work well in different scenarios. This includes keeping skunks at bay.

    These sprinklers have built-in sensors that get activated when skunks get too close. What results is a sudden burst of water that frightens even the most stubborn skunks.

    You may want to use this with other strategies like night lights.

    Disrupting their night activities creates an unfavorable situation around your home. Hence, skunks will need to find someplace more conducive.

    • Ultrasound Devices

    Ultrasound devices are some of the best ways to cause significant discomfort to skunks. These emit high-frequency sounds which can be unbearable. In addition to that, skunks are unable to adapt and will eventually ship out to less distressing environments. You don’t need to worry about the sounds produced as you’d hardly pick up any. This is because such sounds are beyond the listening frequency of humans.

    You can install several of these depending on the size of your property. Also, look out for the range covered as this is very important in determining how many you need.

    • Live Traps

    Live or humane traps are quite effective against skunks.

    Get these in the nearest hardware store and set up around skunk hideouts. You should read the instructions contained in the user manual before you begin using it. Also, check these traps frequently to avoid causing undue stress to these creatures.

    Skunks should only be released as far away as necessary. We recommend releasing them in the wild.

    Avoid releasing them close to residential areas. This is because you may end up creating a skunk problem for unsuspecting homeowners.

    • Citrus Fruit Peels

    Citrus fruit peels are detested by skunks for their smell. It’s funny, right?

    Skunks are known for their awful odor, but these same odorous creatures hate a smell as pleasant as that of citrus fruits. Now that you know, all you need to do is get as many as these and drop them around the perimeter of your home.

    It means skunks have to deal with the smell they so detest (citrus fruit) whenever they want to cross into your home. In most cases, this will turn them back. You should try replacing citrus peels as often as you can.

    Fresh supplies mean more scent and a less welcoming situation for skunks.

    • Ammonia

    Ammonia is a strong skunk repellent used to keep them away. To use this, get some ammonia and pour out a portion into a plastic bottle.

    Next, get a rag and place one end of it into the contents of the plastic bottle. The other end should hang out like a wick. Place this bottle containing your ammonia and rag into areas most frequented by skunks.

    Before long, the smell of ammonia spreads and chokes skunks. Skunks cannot stay in such environments and have to leave. This is a cost-effective way to tackle a skunk problem around your home.

    • Predator Urine

    Predators are an ever-present threat skunks need to contend with. Hence, by applying predator urine around entrances and burrow entries, you will be creating the impression that danger is lurking close by.

    The most common predator urine you can find is fox and dog urine. Apply this and watch skunks disappear.

    Skunks can be gotten rid of whenever you apply any of the above strategies. However, for even better results, consider combining any of the listed methods. The aim is to keep skunks at a distance considered safe enough.

    With the information contained here, you should have little difficulties tackling a skunk problem.

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