Here let’s look at how and where to buy Jujube trees.
Also called the Chinese date, jujube trees are mostly medium-sized trees that grow to about 40 ft. These deciduous trees bear oval-shaped single-stone fruits and come from different species.
Jujube Tree for Sale
In this article, we’ll discuss jujube fruits extensively, emphasizing how to buy them.
This will undoubtedly serve the needs of buyers or gardeners seeking to add jujube trees to their tree collection.
For this discussion to make sense, several aspects relating to purchase, including costs, varieties, where to buy, and more, will be discussed.
You only need to read along for all the information you seek.
About Jujube Trees
To begin our discussion, we must provide an overview of jujube trees.
This tree is grown for its edible fruits, consumed in different forms. The tree can grow to heights of 25 to 40 ft. and may have to be maintained (through pruning etc.) to keep a single trunk.
Some species are known to be drought tolerant once established. Although it originates from China, jujube trees also do well in other climes.
The good thing about this tree is that it isn’t difficult to grow as it requires minimal maintenance. Also, there are fewer pest issues when compared to other tree types.
If you live in a coastal area and wonder what trees to grow there, jujubes should do pretty well due to their salt-tolerant nature.
In other words, jujube trees do well in salty soils and those considered highly alkaline. Different locations have their particular uses for jujube trees.
For example, these trees serve as excellent sources of charcoal in countries like Madagascar. In Korea, wind instruments such as the taepyeongso are designed from jujube wood.
Enough of the introduction already! Let’s get into details on tips for buying jujube trees, shall we?
Jujube Plants for Sale – Buying Guide
Not every buyer has the proper knowledge of things to look out for when shopping for jujube trees.
Here, we’ve included basic information such as the different jujube tree varieties to pick from, the cost of such trees, and the hardiness zones most ideal for particular jujube varieties.
Where to buy your trees from is another critical detail we’ll be discussing. All of these points combined make for better purchase decisions for buyers.
If you’re confused at this point, there’s no need to be worried, as we’ll make our discussion comprehensive enough to follow.
Jujube Tree Varieties you can Pick From
Do you have an idea of the jujube variety you want? A lot of people don’t.
There are wide varieties or species to consider when buying your jujube trees. Some of the most popular include the seedling jujube tree, Sherwood jujube, sugar cane jujube, and the Li jujube trees.
Other variants include the Lang jujube, the Georgia 866 jujube, coco jujube, chico jujube, black sea jujube and Bok Jo jujube tree species.
Buyers can also go for any ants admire jujube, autumn beauty jujube, winter delight jujube, Xu Zhou jujube, Tae Seoul Jo jujube, and the tiger tooth jujube tree varieties.
You might also find the Sihong jujube desirable or any of the sugarcane jujube, Shanxi Li jujube, Massandra, globe jujube, or honey jar jujube tree species.
The Contorted So jujube tree species is another you might wish to have on your property.
Each of the different jujube varieties mentioned here has specific unique characteristics. You’ll need to research the different types to know what suits your requirement better.
Cost of Jujube Trees
How much does a jujube tree cost? This piece of information is vital to buyers. By knowing the cost, you can better prepare for what’s expected.
However, it’s necessary to state that figuring out the cost isn’t as simple as you think. Several factors are involved in costing.
These include the size of jujube trees being bought, the species you want, and the pricing structure of the nursery or seller you’ll be buying from.
Understanding these influencing factors leads the buyer to expect a price range.
On average, the cost of a jujube tree costs $65. The typical cost range is between $37 and $100 or greater. So, how do the size and other factors mentioned impact the cost?
Let’s explain. The young jujube trees sold at nurseries come in varying sizes.
The size determines how much the trees go for. For a better explanation, smaller jujube trees tend to cost less than larger ones. Plus, these sizes could vary from 2 to 4 ft., 4 to 6 ft., 6 to 8 ft., or 8 to 10 ft. or higher.
The size you choose will likely determine the cost incurred.
If you’re operating on a tight budget and want to maximize your options, you might consider going for smaller jujube trees.
You can get several smaller trees for the price of a single large tree. However, buyers more interested in getting more giant trees won’t be as bothered by the cost as those on a tight budget would.
You need to understand your cost options and go for what you feel best serves your needs. A buyer with this understanding wouldn’t have problems budgeting adequately for their tree purchase.
Hardiness Zones
There’s a degree of tolerance regarding environmental conditions for growing jujube trees. A numerical value is used to represent the different hardiness or growing zones ideal for certain jujube tree species.
The varieties like the Lang jujube, the Georgia 866 jujube, and the Li jujube trees have tolerant zones of 5 to 10, 5 to 9, and 5 to 10, respectively.
Varieties like the Sherwood jujube, the sugar cane jujube, and the seedling jujube trees have growing zones of 5 to 10, 5 to 9, and 5 to 10, respectively.
Where to Buy Jujube Trees
Buyers need to be selective about where they buy their jujube trees from.
While nurseries offer these products, you’ll do well to patronize those with a reputation for product and service excellence. One of the easiest ways to know is by reading customer reviews.
If you’ve read to this point, you would have learned a great deal about how to go about buying jujube trees. You only need to implement the tips provided for better results.