What household cleaners kill mold? We will discuss natural home products that can be used for mold control.

Let’s face it, no one wants to have mold growing in their homes. They not only look terrible, but they can also cause allergies and breathing problems among individuals with respiratory issues.

Getting rid of mold can be done using a wide range of products, many of which are commercially sold. However, there are good household cleaners that kill mold too.

Wondering what they are? Then keep reading!

Household Mold Remover: The Top 5

Without wasting any time, let’s take a look at the top 5 household cleaning products that kill mold. The good news is, you probably have them already sitting on your kitchen or bathroom shelf!

  1. Bleach

Bleach is one of the most effective cleaning agents you can find in any home. It is so powerful, it can destroy most (if not all) microorganisms. Another great example is Lysol mold killer.

The devastating power of bleach makes it a great choice for killing mold in your home. But remember, it is best used on hard surfaces which aren’t porous.

To use, all you have to do is mix one part of bleach with 16 parts of water, then saturate a clean cloth in the bleach solution and use it to wipe across the affected surfaces.

Another way to use bleach is by pouring the solution into a spray bottle then apply it on the mold-infested hard surface. Allow the solution to sit for about 5 minutes before scrubbing the surface clean with a hard-bristled brush.

As we have mentioned before, bleach is only ideal for cleaning mold on hard surfaces that aren’t porous. If the surface can take in moisture, then there will be mold growing inside and the bleach won’t be able to kill it.

This means after you have dealt with the mold on the surface, the ones inside the walls will grow back and take over space again.

We also have to mention that bleach is a very harsh substance, which means it can be bad for the skin and lungs (so don’t inhale and don’t touch with your bare fingers).

To be on the safe side, make sure the area you are applying the bleach is well ventilated.

You should also put on a facemask to limit how much of the substance you inhale. Wearing protective rubber gloves is also a good idea, as this can keep your hands from making direct contact with the bleach.

One more thing we have to mention is this – Never mix bleach with any other household cleaning agents, use it alone. This is because when mixed, toxic fumes will be released and this is very bad for human and pet health.

  1. Vinegar

For a safer, more user-friendly household mold killer, you should definitely try using white vinegar! This is a natural, non-toxic product that can be used in place of bleach and other tough chemicals.

Vinegar has super mold eradicating powers and it can be used alongside baking soda or hydrogen peroxide, that’s if you want a more thorough mold killing solution!

To use, all you have to do is pour some vinegar in a spray bottle and blast it across the areas affected by the mold. After saturating the infested surfaces with the vinegar, allow it to sit for about an hour to do its job.

Now get a clean piece of cloth and wipe down the loosened mold from the surface. If you wish, you can wash off the vinegar from the surface with water before wiping it down with the cloth.

Before we forget, let us remind you that vinegar has a pretty weird smell, so you’ll have to be ready to deal with it for a few hours until it wears off.

To speed things up, you can keep your windows and doors open to allow proper airflow. You can also turn on your fans to help ease the smell away.

If the vinegar smell isn’t something you can stomach, then feel free to mix equal parts of vinegar and water. This should reduce the harshness of the smell and still kill the mold.

Although the more diluted the vinegar is, the less effective it will be.

One of the major advantages vinegar has overbleach is that you can use vinegar on porous surfaces. This means it can kill the mold that is growing inside, and not just the visible ones.

If you’ll be using the vinegar solution over a marble or granite surface, don’t let it sit for too long after application. A few minutes will do.

This is because vinegar is known to discolor both marble and granite if left to sit for too long.

One more thing, do not use vinegar on wood!

  1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a mildly abrasive cleaner that can be used to kill mold on a wide range of surfaces. The best thing about this mold killer is that it is 100% non-toxic and is safe to use around children and pets.

As if that isn’t enough, baking soda doesn’t produce a weird odor like vinegar, rather it helps get rid of the musty odor which the mold produces. It also helps to get rid of moisture, which further proves that this is one of the best cleaning products that kill mold.

To use, mix equal parts of baking soda and water until it turns into a paste. The next thing to do is apply the paste on top of all the areas that have been affected by the mold then leave it to dry.

After about an hour, get a hard brush and scrub the mold away (along with the baking soda residue). You can wipe the surface off with a clean cloth after scrubbing.

If you’d prefer another approach, then you can mix two teaspoons of baking soda with two cups of water and pour the mix into a spray bottle. Now spray the solution lightly across the affected surfaces and allow the air to dry it.

Do not wipe off with a cloth after this so that the baking soda remnants will be left hanging around, and this will prevent mold from ever growing on that particular surface.

If you want a more rugged mix, then you can add some white vinegar to the baking soda solution. Be sure to use warm water when whipping up your mix, as mold is more tolerant of cold water.

Warm water mixes are also generally faster when it comes to cleaning.

  1. Borax

Another organic household product that you can use to kill mold is borax. Thanks to its deodorizing abilities, it also gets rid of the musty smell that mold produces.

It is also a very effective disinfectant, and these are the reasons why it remains a popular mold-removal option among many DIY homeowners.

Be warned though, borax does not give off toxic fumes, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t pose a threat to human health. It must never be ingested, as this can lead to severe poisoning.

Now that we’re clear on that, here’s how to use borax to kill mold.

Simply add a cup of borax into a gallon of water then stir thoroughly. Pour some of the solutions into a spray bottle then apply on the areas where the mold is growing.

You can then use a brush to scrub off the loosened mold then sweep or vacuum away the debris.

Make sure you don’t rinse the surface after scrubbing, this is because borax is a great disinfectant, which makes the residue left behind very useful.

If you want to mix your borax with vinegar, make a solution of ½ cup of vinegar and ¼ cup of borax. Use warm water for this mixture to kill stubborn mold on your walls and other surfaces.

  1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has great all-round potential, being that it has both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. This makes it an ideal household cleaner that kills mold and disinfects surfaces.

Thankfully, it is a natural product so it is 100% non-toxic.

To use, mix two cups of warm water with two teaspoons of the oil, pour into a spray bottle, then shake thoroughly to get a good blend. Visit the areas that have been affected and spray across the surface.

Leave the spray to sit for about one hour then remove the mold by scrubbing hard with a brush. Repeat the process if need be until all the mold is gone.

To ensure the mold doesn’t pay a return visit, spray the solution across the surface again and allow the air to dry it. Do not wipe clean with a cloth this time.


You don’t have to run to a store to buy a commercial mold killer, since many household cleaners kill mold and disinfect your surfaces at the same time.

The best part is, it is a cheap approach and you can handle the cleaning all by yourself!

We trust this article has been very informative. Take care and good luck!

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