Gutters play critical roles in water diversion from a house; however, this may not always be provided, especially when the house is still under construction or due to dilapidation, among other reasons.

Under such circumstances, knowing how to handle roof runoff without gutters will help. We provide the tips needed to manage this situation.

Here is how to deal with water running off roof missing gutter.

Channeling Roof Runoff Without Gutters

In discussing this topic, we’ve included information on why it’s necessary, simple solutions, consulting with pros, and using a combination of rain gardens, drip paths, and installing a rain diverter.

Other ways to handle roof runoff without gutters include installing French drains, rain chains, and grading. Let’s discuss each of these points.

Why Handling Roof Runoff is Crucial

Roof runoff, when not handled correctly, can lead to various problems, including structural issues due to continued exposure to moisture and a lack of adequate water channeling.

Without gutters, roof runoff flows unguided and falls close to your home’s foundation. This situation leads to sustained soaking up or infiltration of water.

If you have a basement, the impact becomes more evident, especially when there is pooling around. This is worsened when your home’s landscape isn’t ideal or built to slope outward.

In such a situation, you must take urgent steps to address the problem by adopting any of the tips outlined below. Let’s take a closer look at each.

Simple Solutions for Roof Runoff Without Gutters

There are simple or temporary solutions to address roof runoff for structures without gutters until these are installed. These aren’t as technical as some approaches you may be conversant with.

Speaking of simple solutions that address roof runoff, these include using green roofs, rain barrels, and placing builder’s plastic below the runoff.

How do these solutions help address roof runoff? Simple!

For green roofs, a layer of vegetation is introduced that absorbs some of the runoff water and helps with filtration before it hits the ground, thus serving as insulation and promoting biodiversity.

Rain barrels are basic in their function as they help collect water. Instead of having runoff water flowing onto the ground, it limits it. Water collected can be used for any chore around the home.

Builder’s plastic is another simple technique to contain runoff water from a roof without gutters. Placing it under runoff helps reduce its impact, thus helping to prevent erosion.

Consulting with the Pros

Not everyone will know what to do when faced with runoff water problems from a roof without gutters. If you fall into this category of homeowners, you’re not alone.

You’ll need to consult with the pros for the best solutions. Some of these pros to reach out to include landscapers, your local building department, drainage contractors, or a civil engineer.

Rain Gardens

What are rain gardens, and how do they help handle roof runoff for buildings without gutters?

As the name suggests, this is a garden designed to collect runoff water, which helps prevent it from flowing around, creating further problems like erosion.

To build a rain garden, you need to find an area of depression around your yard where water collects.

Here, native plants that are tolerant to wet conditions and have deep roots are introduced. Of course, you’ll need to prepare this garden before introducing the plants.

The area is dug and leveled, and a drainage is installed that directs runoff water. Sand or gravel are added, and plants are placed and covered with mulch.

Drip Paths

You’ll need a drip path to direct runoff water away from your building’s walls and foundation. Roofs with a low pitch are ideal for this type of containment.

As the name suggests, the drip path is designed to take the impact of runoff water. It’s made using sandbags, plastic sheeting, and pea gravel.

This barrier also directs rain away from your foundation into a drainage system.

It’s important to note that for drip paths to function correctly, they need to be maintained periodically. If trees or shrubs nearby interfere with water flow, they should be trimmed back.

Despite drip paths being simple in their design, no information about how they’re built has been provided here. A little research will bring up all the details you need.

Roof Valley Rain Diverter No Gutter

Have you ever heard about rain diverters?

These can serve excellently to handle roof runoff without gutters. As suggested by the name, diverters help rechannel runoff water and are mounted on roofs for best results.

There are different designs, but all are based on the same working principles. Water is diverted from the roof edge to a more acceptable drainage point.

Rain diverters come in different materials, including galvanized steel and aluminum, and are mounted onto the roof with the help of a mounting tab.

For these diverters to work correctly, they must be professionally installed. In other words, you’ll need a professional to install these runoff water control mechanisms.

Installing French Drains

French drains also serve the function of runoff water containment, especially when your roof has no gutters. This type of drain helps resolve water buildup or pooling anywhere around your yard.

It’s best used close to the foundation to help redirect standing water away. For French drains to work best, they need to be correctly installed.

Three stages of installation include the choice of an appropriate location. Here, you’ll need to look out for areas with pooling water. The next stage involves trench digging.

This should be dug 18 inches deep and 10 to 12 inches wide. The last step of French drain installation is laying the piping after lining the trench with landscaping fabric and gravel bedding.

Rain Chains

Rain chains serve the purpose of slowing down the momentum of runoff water from roofs. Such may be made of galvanized steel, plastic, or aluminum.

Rain flows down from these provisions and empties into a barrel or splash block. Using this containment measure, your home’s foundation and walls are protected.


Have you considered grading your yard?

This can help with managing roof runoff. While having your yard slope away from the building area is generally required, such may not be enough in some cases.

For these, grading adjustments will have to be made. In other words, the grading slope of your yard will have to be raised to encourage faster water drainage.

Now you know the different ways to handle roof runoff without gutters. These aren’t difficult to implement and effectively deal with runoff water problems.

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