A laboratory cleaning checklist is an effective way to ensure proper maintenance. A lot of research is done in the lab which also comes with the need to clean up the mess as frequently as possible.

Doing a good job of cleaning will also depend on the tools used.

Laboratory Cleaning Procedures

Our checklist will guide specific cleaning tasks to perform. Thus saving you the stress of having to figure out each task which can lead to leaving out some areas during cleaning.

This laboratory cleaning plan covers all and ensures your cleaning tasks are comprehensively done.

Schedule Your Lab Cleaning Tasks

For the comprehensive cleaning of a laboratory, you’ll need to set a schedule of cleaning tasks to perform. These can be split into daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning tasks. It all depends on how detailed you want your cleanup to be.

Splitting cleaning tasks according to a schedule helps in no small measure to simplify the process, thus making it less hectic

  • Daily Cleanup

There should be a set schedule for cleaning the laboratory each day. This cleaning includes basic tasks such as wiping off and dusting all countertops and benchtops.

Also, floors must be swept clean or vacuumed and touchpoints all sanitized. Shelves and cabinets should also be dusted and arranged.

  • Remove Cobwebs

There are likely to be cobwebs around the laboratory. Inspect and remove these from ceilings and wall corners.

  • Inspect Personal Protective Equipment PPE

The protective gear used in the laboratory needs to be frequently inspected for signs of wear and tear.

This is necessary to help avoid exposure to harmful or hazardous chemicals or fumes. These protective gear include eye and face protection, as well as footwear, gloves, and ear protection equipment.

  • Wash Sinks and Fix Clogs

Laboratory sinks will need to be frequently cleaned and sanitized. These should also be periodically checked for clogs and fixed when noticed.

Also important are basic supplies such as paper towels, disinfectant soap dispensers, and paper towels. These should be replenished when almost exhausted.

  • Emergency Stations

All laboratories require emergency stations in the event of accidental spills.

These include shower and eyewash stations. Although such stations may not be frequently used, it is important to always ensure they are functioning properly.

One way to find out is by activating the components in all stations multiple times a week. Call for fixing when any issue or problem is detected.

  • Keep an Inventory of Items Stored in Refrigerator

Lots of laboratory specimens and samples are stored in refrigerators. During cleanup, you’ll need to have an inventory of all stored items for several reasons.

One of these includes the disposal of expired items as well as the rotating (where necessary) of contents for easier access and maintenance.

  • Cleaning Laboratory Equipment

There are lots of lab equipment to be cleaned. However, for a comprehensive job to be done, you’ll need to follow a cleaning schedule as doing it at once can sometimes be overwhelming. Before any work is done, the equipment used should be inspected and cleaned when needed.

Cleaning should also be repeated after use. You might also want to check for worn parts. These should be fixed or replaced immediately to ensure the proper functioning of all equipment.

Check online for the specific laboratory equipment maintenance checklist.

  • Using the Right Techniques for Glass Cleaning

Lab glassware can be cleaned effectively using a lab washer-disinfector. However, in the absence of this, you or your staff should have a basic manual cleaning understanding for lab glassware cleaning.

These include equipment like droppers, beakers funnels, and flasks among others.

  • Have a Guideline for Waste Disposal

A variety of wastes originate from labs. These can be highly dangerous and will require safe disposal. For this to be possible, there needs to be an established guideline for removing such.

An arrangement may be needed with the school’s management on finding the most effective way to do this.

Also, all lab attendants and staff will need to be in the loop regarding effective waste disposal measures.

  • Cleaning up and Safely Disposing Broken Glassware

Accidents are commonplace in labs. Broken glassware is among the most frequent accidents. As such, it’s necessary when cleaning the lab to have a trash bin specifically meant for broken glass as well as other materials with sharp points.

This should only be carried out when half full and disposed of properly. It is important to instruct lab attendants as well as students to make use of this bin when they need to dispose of broken glassware.

  • Seek Expert Help for Complex Cleaning Jobs

Sometimes, lab cleanups might become too complicated. In other words, there may be hazardous material that will need to be properly cleaned and disposed of. This might be beyond your capacity.

In such cases, the help of experts in hazardous material handling may be required.

There are specialized cleaning services with expertise in the handling and cleaning of hazardous material. These will need to be called in to get the job done. Apart from handling hazardous material, large cleaning companies also perform deep carpet cleaning as well as the removal of tough stains.

In any case, you’ll need the expertise of these cleaning services to get the job done the best way possible.

  • Inspect Emergency Equipment

There is emergency equipment installed to forestall fire outbreaks among other things. This equipment will need to be inspected regularly to ensure they are in proper working condition. Part of your cleaning task will be to check or inspect these.

Inspect fire extinguishers to ensure they are fully charged and well stored.

Next, first aid kits should be easily accessible and should contain all the basic medical supplies. You might want to keep an inventory of the needed supplies and check if these are available. If not, the first aid boxes should all be replenished with the right supplies.

READ: Procedures For Cleaning Medical Centers

Also, inspect the fire suppression and sprinkler systems. Keeping all of these functions effectively helps forestall a major disaster. It also enhances the safety standards of such a laboratory.

We’ve been able to provide a list of basic cleaning tasks to keep a lab clean. By using these, you should be able to achieve your objective within a short time and with minimal stress.

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