Do you know how to stop things from going moldy in a garage?

In this article, we’ll be giving you tips on how to remove mold on the garage ceiling and drywall. We’ll also be giving you tips on how to prevent mold from growing in your garage after treatment.

How To Stop Mold Growth In Garage

Are you shocked to find mold in your garage? You shouldn’t be, because there are several means by which these annoying funguses can get in.

Indeed, the garage doesn’t have as much water activity as the kitchen or bathroom, but mold being what it is, can find its way into any space. As long as the conditions are right of course.

Don’t panic, getting rid of them from your garage isn’t as hard as you think. In fact, it is so easy, you can do it yourself!

Signs Of Black And White Mold In Garage

So, how do you know you have mold growing in your garage? It’s simple – A visual confirmation!

This is the quickest way to confirm the presence of mold on drywall in garage and on ceilings.

The most common household mold is black mold, and it is blackish-green in color. If you find such patches on your garage ceiling or drywall, then your confirmation is complete.

Mold also produces an awful musty smell, even when they are out of sight. In a case where you can’t see the mold growing in your garage, but you can perceive such an odor, then there’s probably mold around.

To be sure, carry out a mold inspection to see if the mold is growing in-between cracks in the walls or any other hidden corners. You should also drive out your cars from the garage when inspecting better visibility of the walls and floors.

What Causes Garage Mold?

Mold usually thrives in environments that are dark and have moisture. Without these two elements, it would be impossible for mold to grow indoors.

You already know that your garage tends to be dark, especially when the door is always closed. But moisture? How did that get in?

Well, moisture can creep into parts of your garage ceiling and drywall in a variety of ways.

If there is a bathroom above the garage decking, and that bathroom has moisture or leakage problems, then water can trickle downwards into your garage ceiling and walls.

To add to that, your garage can also experience moisture if the landscape of your yard is tilted towards the building itself. In this case, heavy rainwater or melted snow can creep towards the foundation around the area where the garage is.

When this happens, your porous garage walls can soak up the moisture from outside, and eventually settle inside. When the moisture settles in your dark, unventilated garage, mold will start to grow in no time.

Mold can also grow in areas of high humidity. So if your home is located in such environments, then it shouldn’t come as a surprise that mold has begun growing in your garage.

Humidity levels that are perfect for mold growth start from 60% upwards.

Keep in mind, it only takes about 48 hours for mold to start growing when under the right conditions!

Now that you’re clear on how you got mold in your garage, let us take a look at how to get rid of them.

Safety Precautions For Garage Mold

Before you begin removing mold from your garage, it would be in your best interest to stay safe while you work. Mold can cause allergies and complicate breathing/respiratory problems when contact is made.

To guard yourself against making direct contact, you will need to put on some safety gear first.

Here’s what you need –

Goggles: When removing mold from your garage ceiling, it is expected that you’d be looking upwards. What this means is that your eyes would be at risk of being hit by falling mold particles, or even droplets of the cleaning solution.

This is where a good pair of safety goggles comes in. These should guard your eyes against all incoming particles.

Facemask: Just like safety goggles, a facemask can also protect you from mold particles and cleaning solution droplets. Specifically, your nose and mouth will be well guarded by a facemask, so put it on when you work.

One more thing, it can spare you the torture of inhaling the musty smell while you work.

Rubber gloves: Since you’ll be scrubbing the garage walls and ceiling, you would want to put on a pair of rubber gloves to keep your fingers from touching the mold.

Now that you’re all geared up, let’s take a look at how to remove mold from different parts of your garage.

How To Remove Mold On Garage Ceiling

You will need a few items to remove mold from your garage ceiling.

Get the following ready –

  • Safety gear
  • A hard brush
  • A long-handled brush
  • A ladder
  • Bleach
  • A spray bottle
  • Dry towel
  • Bleach
  • A bucket of water

Step 1: Make a bleach solution

Bleach is one of the most powerful DIY mold removal products you can find. It is so strong, it could even discolor your wall in the process!

To make the solution, take a cup of bleach and mix it with a gallon of water. Stir thoroughly to get the right blend then proceed to step 2.

Be careful though, bleach is dangerous to humans and pets when ingested!

Step 2: Pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply

Add some of the bleach solutions into a spray bottle, seal it, then shake it thoroughly once again to ensure the mix is right.

Using the ladder, visit the affected areas on the ceiling and apply the solution. Leave it to sit for a few minutes so it can break down the mold effectively.

Step 3: Scrub the ceiling

Grab your hard-bristled brush and get back up the ladder. Revisit the areas where you have applied the spray then scrub as hard as you can to dislodge the mold completely.

If you don’t want to go up the ladder again, then you can use the long-handled brush to do the scrubbing.

Step 4: Use a cloth to wipe off the mold residue

Scrubbing can dislodge the mold, but there will always be some mold particles left afterward. This is why you need to throw or spray some water across the ceiling to send them crashing to the ground.

After doing this, you can use a dry towel to wipe the dampness off the ceiling. This procedure will also ensure you scoop up any possible leftovers.

Step 5: Apply the solution again

Bleach doesn’t just clean mold, it can kill them and prevent further growth. This is why you will have to spray the solution again after cleaning.

Don’t wipe off with a dry towel this time, allow the moisture to evaporate on its own. This will leave behind the powder bleach particles, which will in turn guard your garage ceiling from future mold invasion.

How To Remove Mold From Garage Wall

Removing mold from your garage walls requires the same process as cleaning it off the ceiling. Though in this case, you wouldn’t be needing a ladder.

The steps you should follow to remove mold from your garage walls are as follows –

  • Make the bleach solution
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle
  • Apply on the areas of the walls that have been infested by mold
  • Leave the solution for about 10 minutes to break down the mold
  • Scrub with a hard-bristled brush
  • Pour some water on the walls to rinse down the debris
  • Wipe walls with a clean and dry towel
  • Apply the bleach solution again as a preventive measure (don’t wipe dry this time)

How To Prevent Mold From Growing On Your Garage Walls And Ceiling

You wouldn’t want to deal with mold the second time after the initial treatment. This is why you need to take preventive measures to ensure that these pests don’t come back!

Follow the tips below to prevent mold in your garage.

Tip 1: Use a dehumidifier

You can buy a dehumidifier from a home improvement store near you to keep your indoor humidity levels below 50%.

No humidity, no mold!

Tip 2: Keep garage ventilated

If your garage has windows, then it would be wise to keep them open to allow some fresh air in. This would help reduce the moisture significantly.

You can also keep the garage doors open now and then to let air in. Turn on the fans while you’re at it. If you don’t have a fan in your garage, then install one today!

Tip 3: Fix your home’s water problems

As long as there are water problems in your home, then there might be spillovers into your garage. This is why you should fix all water problems around your house to keep the garage and every other area of your home dry!

If your landscape is tilted towards your foundation, then the garage might soak up some moisture. Redo the landscape so it draws water away from your home and not towards it.


There you have it guys, that’s how you get rid of mold in your garage. Understanding the signs and causes will also help you identify mold, treat it, and prevent it from coming back.

We hope this was helpful.

Take care!

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