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45 Plants That Repel Asian, Carpets And Japanese Beetles

Looking for plants that repel Carpet, Asian and Japanese beetles? Here are some effective options.

It may interest you to know that there are over 300,000 different beetle species in the world? And as such, it has become practically impossible to spell out the whole species on earth.

So don’t worry if you are unable to identify every type of beetle. What is important is for you to be able to identify a beetle infestation in your garden, yard, or plantation.

The differences between the species of beetles are notable. No matter how they look alike, there is always an evident difference in their sizes, color, diet, habitat, and even shape.

Some bugs are inches longer than the usual length. For instance, the titan beetle is about 7 inches long. Meanwhile, some others are so tiny; they can only produce one egg per time, for example, featherwing beetle. And there are other beetles with very brilliant and many-sided designs, for example, scarab beetles.

However, no matter the species, beetles are what they are, and they are pests, the type you don’t want in your home and not in your garden.

Herbs And Plants That Resist Beetles

One natural way out of a beetle infestation is to plant flowers, herbs, or vegetables that will repel the pest. This works efficiently if the plants are used as a preventive measure against an infestation

You may be wondering how effective the plant repellents may be, the truth is, these plants work. However, you may need to experiment with these plants until you find the right one for the type of beetle you are trying to get rid of.

Some of the plants are toxic to beetles and will exterminate the bugs. Some others are repellent as a result of their strong odor, and others are repellent as a result of their awful taste.

The type of plants that can act as beetle repellent are:

  1. Flowers

Several flowers can resist beetles. So you can give your garden an interesting outlook just as you plant beautiful flowers that beetle detest.

For instance, Marigold is an example of such a flower that can be a companion for your eggplant. This lively and bright plant flourishes in the equivalent radiant, all around depleted, warm conditions that eggplants require.

Some wild marigolds could get obtrusive, so stay away from any assortments named Tagetesminuta.

Nasturtium is a choice that additionally offers red or orange blossoms that pull in pollinators. This rugged plant is developed as a delicate yearly all through the nation.

  1. Herbs

Herbs with strong odor can send away the beetle bugs. There are several herbs with a strong odor that can do a good job of exterminating these pests.

For instance, catnip is another great herb to add as an ally to eggplant. Beetles despise their aroma, and they can survive harsh weather conditions.

Peppermint and spearmint can also do the trick of chasing the pests off your garden. They are known to ward off a wide range of insects, including beetles. The development of peppermint and spearmints has landed them on the list of very invasive plants. So consider keeping them pruned constantly. Otherwise, keep them in pots rather than plant them in the garden.

By the way, an herbal companion plant in your garden means getting teas from your garden freely.

  1. Artemisia

Artemisia plants like woodworm are toxic to a wide range of mosquitoes, including beetles. Despite it being invasive, it is very effective in getting rid of an infestation.

This scented herb restores every year and flourishes in poor or intense conditions.

Southernwood is also an Artemisia plant with a very strong odor that will keep beetles off your yard. Whenever you are faced with a flea beetle infestation, the southernwood will take care of it.

But you must take note that these plants can take over your garden in no time- they are very invasive. Therefore, you should always trim and prune this plant to prevent it from taking over your garden

List of Beetle Repellent Plants

The following plants will help keep beetles off your yard;

Catnip; This is an herb that has a place with the mint family and contains the nepetalactone concoction compound in a plant that pulls in and influences felines in various ways.

Felines ordinarily experience a scene of enthusiasm with each whiff of catnip.

Cats are particularly fond of this plant that scares off a wide range of insects and mosquitoes, including beetles.

Chives; This herb is easy to grow and easy to use, plus it is a very versatile herb.

Chives are herbs that are identified with onions and garlic. And they have long green stems that are utilized as a herb. This plant has a strong odor that beetles hate to perceive.

Garlic; The plant usually comes out pink to purple in bloom. Allium sativum is a lasting blooming plant developing from a bulb; it has a tall, erect blossoming. Garlic has a very strong odor that repels a lot of pests, including beetle.

Larkspur; This plant belongs to the delphinium family that is known to be highly toxic. This implies that you have to be careful planting this in your garden. But then it is effective in getting rid of beetles and a wide range of pests.

Larkspur is of numerous blossoms, shading from purple and blue, to red, yellow, or white.

In many species, each blossom comprises of five petal-like sepals which become together to shape an empty pocket with a spike toward the end, which gives the plant its name, typically pretty much dim blue.

Leeks; Leeks are plants from the Allium family, much the same as garlic, onions, and lilies. They are utilized when a milder form of onion is needed.

In contrast to onions, be that as it may, leeks don’t caramelize well overall: rather than turning sweet, they become unpleasant. They have repelled a wide range of pests as much as onions would.

Marigolds; These plants will do well in any type of soil. In full bloom, they will bring out flowers in a bright orange, yellow and white, usually with a touch of maroon.

In cultivation, they will, in general, be planted as annuals; even though some marigold plants can exhibit prominence. Most marigold flowers have green leaves, and they are known to repel a wide range of pests in the yard, including beetles.

These plants are wild, so you should be ready to trim them constantly to prevent them from taking over the yard.

Onions; Onions are high in Vitamin C, low in sodium onions, and contain no fat. They contain iron, calcium, and have a high protein quality. But then, onions contain quercetin are folic corrosive.

They repel a wide range of insects and mosquitoes including beetles. Apart from this, onions are essential ingredients in meals.

Rue; This is a kind of herb that can serve as a companion plant in your garden. It has culinary use.

However, it is bitter and can cause stomach upset if a lot of it is ingested.  It is toxic to a wide range of pests and can be used to curb a beetle infestation.

Tansy; This is another plant that you need to be very careful with; it is highly toxic but also highly effective in getting rid of a wide range of pests and beetles too.

It has a strong aroma that smells like that of camphor with traces of rosemary. The plant has a bold, to some degree rosy, erect stem.

White Geranium; This plant is known to survive all kinds of weather conditions. The white geranium is a thick, evergreen with immense bunches of splendid white, semi-twofold blossoms. They are pleasantly set off by the foliage hill of scalloped leaves, enhanced with an enlivening bronze ring at their tips.

It is one beautiful plant that can ensure that beetles are out of your yard and, therefore, out of your life.

Some other plants that can keep the beetle bug away are;

  • American elder
  • American sweetgum
  • Begonias
  • Black oak
  • Boxelder
  • Boxwood
  • Caladiums
  • Common lilac
  • Common pear
  • Dusty miller
  • Euonymus
  • Flowering dogwood
  • Forsythia
  • Green ash
  • Holly
  • Hydrangeas
  • Magnolia
  • Persimmon
  • Pines
  • Red maple
  • Red mulberry
  • Red oak
  • Scarlet oak
  • Shagbark hickory
  • Silver maple
  • Tulip tree
  • White ash
  • White oak
  • White poplar

In conclusion

Apart from using beetle repellent plants to prevent the bugs from destroying your plants, you can also plant flowers or vegetables that they love just to distract them from feasting on your useful plant.

And you can also plant what they love the most as a trap crop.

The bottom line is, it is better that you take preventive measures; you don’t need the beetles to destroy your crops before you begin to take action. Cautious planting of companion flowers or herbs plants can discourage and assist you with having an increasingly beetle-free yard.