Here, we’re going to discuss how to remove tomato sauce stains from a wide range of surfaces, such as plastic, fabric, carpets, and upholstery.

It’s common knowledge that tomatoes are fruits used in cooking as well as for the making of your favorite sandwiches among other things.

Now, one situation you’re likely to face is to have its stains on your carpets, counters, on plastic containers or surfaces, and leather among other areas.

Does tomato stains? Yes.

Basically, tomato stains can be found on a variety of surfaces depending on your actions. Most times, simply wiping off such stains with a rag won’t be enough.

You’ll need to do more than that.

Why Do I Have Tomato Stains?

An important question to ask is why tomato stains? What makes such stains tough?

Well, the answers lie in the seeds. Tomato seeds are known to contain tannins. These are basically natural dyes that are used on fabrics. Your stained fabric or surface has essentially been dyed.

What more? Tannins in tomato seeds are just part of the problem.

You have the oil to deal with. Every tomato sauce you purchase contains oil. Such oil readily contributes to stains as these become tougher.

Getting the Right Tools

To properly remove tomato stains, you’ll need the right tools and supplies for the job.

These are essential to the cleaning process. They include vinegar, baking soda, spoon, Dawn dish soap, toothbrush, clean towel, and ice.

Other supplies and tools include laundry detergent, hydrogen peroxide or bleach, sponge, and Saddle soap. With these supplies, all is set for cleaning to begin.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Fresh Tomato Stains Vs Set-in Tomato Stains

There are always two scenarios to consider; the removal of fresh tomato stains as well as set-in stains. Fresh stains aren’t as tough to get rid of as set-in stains. So, how do you proceed with each type?

Let’s take a look at each of them.

  • Removing Fresh Tomato Stains

Here, there are simple steps to follow to address the problem. It’s important to wipe off and remove fresh stains immediately to prevent them from setting in.

Depending on the surface, the stain should be rinsed with cold water.

Now, a drop of Dawn should be applied to a clean cloth for dabbing of the stained area(s). Further action is required here. You’ll need to work the Dawn around the surface area with your fingers before rinsing.

After rinsing, you can wash or launder as normal.

You mustn’t dry the fabric using a dryer. This will easily set any stains remaining. Simply hang such cloth and allow drying in the open.

You may have to repeat this procedure if the stain(s) are still noticed after the cloth is dry.

  • Removing Set-In Tomato Stains

Set-in tomato stains aren’t easy to get rid of. However, following the right procedure will give you the results you seek. Here, you’ll need some ice, laundry detergent, and vinegar to get the job done. First off, run some cold water at the back of the stained area.

This simple action is targeted at pushing out the stain on the fabric.

Secondly, apply a small amount of laundry detergent to the stained area and allow it to sit for about a quarter of an hour. At the expiration of the time, you’ll need to get your ice cube and rub it over the stained area for about two minutes.

Now, get a white cloth and blot the area.

In some cases, these actions will be enough to remove set-in tomato stains. If not, have some vinegar sprayed on the stain. At this point, a clean white cloth should be used to blot the area.

With the stain gone, launder as normal and hang to dry.

Steps To Removing Tomato Sauce Stains Completely

Tomato stains can be removed from a wide range of surfaces and items.

These include counters, plastic, clothes, as well as carpets & upholstery. We’ll be considering all of these scenarios to provide you with insight into stain removal.

  • Removing Tomato Stains on Counters

Everyone wants to keep their countertops tidy and clean.

When dealing with tomato stains, you’ll need to be careful by starting with the least aggressive method. This is necessary because your countertop seal could be affected.

Have your sponge wet before adding some dish soap. Apply over stained surfaces for about 5 minutes before wiping off. Sometimes, this action will be enough to get the stains off.

In other instances, you may have to take further action for stubborn tomato stains.

Stubborn stains will require adding a mixture or paste of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda. Allow the paste to sit for about 30 minutes or more. For tough stains, leaving them overnight might be a great idea.

Wipe off the mixture and consider repeating if stain remains.

  • Removing Tomato Stains on Plastic

Your plastic containers or surfaces can be free from tomato stains.

To start, you’ll need to make a thick paste of baking soda and water. With a toothbrush, apply the mixture over the container. You’ll have to allow the paste to sit overnight before washing as usual.

  • Removing Tomato Stains on Clothes

When clothes are stained with tomato sauce, there are ways to remove such stains.

With the help of a spoon, have the sauce scraped off clothing. Try not to rub it in. Next, make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it over the stain.

With your toothbrush, work the past into, and over the stain and allow to sit for 30 minutes. Now flush or rinse the stained area from the back for about a minute.

Apply Dawn on the stain and work the area with your fingers. Wash as normal and hang to dry. There may be a need to repeat this procedure for tough stains.

  • Removing Tomato Stains on Carpets & Upholstery

Your stained carpets and upholstery can be restored.

First, you need a clean cloth to scoop up or remove as much of the tomato sauce stain as possible. Using a wet clean towel, have the stained area blotted to absorb as much stain as possible.

With the help of another clean wet towel, apply a few drops of Dawn and rub the stained area. New sections of the towel should be used after absorption of stains while adding more dish soap. You can stop if the stain is gone.

However, when it isn’t, consider applying some white vinegar using a spray bottle.

Allow sitting for 15 minutes before blotting with a towel. This process can be repeated for stubborn stains.

With the procedures outlined above, you shouldn’t have any difficulty getting rid of tomato stains from surfaces.

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