Septic aeration systems are common to aerobic septic systems.

The difference between these (aerobic systems) and anaerobic systems is the presence of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria respectively.

We’ll be taking a look at the different aspects of septic aeration systems, but before then, we’ll need to briefly discuss aerobic and anaerobic systems for your benefit.

An introductory section should provide a better foundation for readers to comprehend.

About Aerobic and Anaerobic Systems

An Aerobic treatment system commonly called an aerobic septic system is one in which the aerobic process is used for digestion. In other words, air or oxygen is circulated/injected into the system.

Such action aims to promote the presence of aerobic bacteria which help to breakdown waste.

Aerobic bacteria thrive in the presence of oxygen. As such, injecting such air makes the septic system much more attractive. It’s important to note that such bacteria live in the air and would readily get infused into wastewater when such air is injected into the septic system.

Anaerobic systems on the other hand are quite different. Here, the bacteria needed for wastewater breakdown will readily act without the need for oxygen. In other words, these do not require the presence of oxygen.

This is as far as we’ll go on anaerobic systems based on the topic under discussion.

How Aeration Systems Function

Ordinarily, aerobic septic tanks will have an insufficient supply of oxygen. This is always the case when there’s no intervention such as the deliberate injection of air into the septic tank.

This is where aeration systems come into play.

They (septic aeration systems) serve to provide a key requirement for aerobic bacterial presence and action which is oxygen. The key role of septic aerations systems is to help oxygenate wastewater.

This is significant because oxygen serves as a key requirement for wastewater breakdown.

To understand the function of a septic aeration system, it will be necessary to take a look at the design of a sewage treatment system. Now, this system comprises three main compartments within which different digestive actions take place.

These compartments or chambers include the trash trap which is the first. There are some similarities between this chamber and an anaerobic system in the sense that wastewater is separated into heavier solids that stay at the bottom and lighter liquids at the top.

Now, not all solids settle at the bottom of the first compartment. For those solids still floating, they’re transferred to the second chamber which is the aeration unit.

This is where the septic aeration system comes in handy. It’s needed to supply or inject air into the wastewater contained within the second chamber.

The oxygenation or air injection process enables the introduction of air into wastewater being held. This activates and enhances aerobic bacterial action. The primary action or treatment begins with the breakdown of wastewater into liquid, gases, and solids.

Now, the contents of the aeration unit are moved to the third chamber also known as the clarifier. As wastewater gets into the third chamber, the solids remaining within such wastewater settle to the bottom of the tank.

This process allows for the emergence of clearer water also known as effluent which is then pumped out for secondary treatment at the drain field.

This systematic wastewater treatment process won’t be complete without the septic aeration system.

Retrofitting A Septic Aeration System

For septic tanks originally designed without provisions for septic aeration system placement, these can be retrofitted by a professional. The keyword here is ‘professionals.’

This is stressed due to the importance of having professional work done.

Performing a DIY septic tank aerator retrofitting can be risky due to the delicate nature of the job. Among the several risks involved is the likelihood of odors coming from the system.

In a nutshell, a specific type of engineering is required to ensure a perfect job.

There Are Electricity Costs To Factor In

Whether you’re currently using an aerobic treatment unit or plan to install one, one thing you must know is the operational expense you’d incur. Expenses include those for maintenance as well as utility bills.

In a nutshell, electricity costs will need to be factored in.

Septic aeration systems need electricity to function. This system, coupled with other septic system components like pumps & warning sensors will contribute to your total electricity costs.

Therefore, having this figured out helps eliminate any surprises.

Benefits of A Septic Aeration System

So far, our discussion has highlighted the key functions of a septic aeration system. Now, the action of injecting air into the aerobic treatment unit is highly beneficial but it doesn’t stop there.

There are several other key benefits of the septic aeration system. Here, we’ll be looking at three which include faster digestion of waste, versatility, and minimal maintenance.

We’ll go further to discuss each of these points as follows;

  • Faster Waste Digestion

One of the key advantages of aerobic treatment units is the faster rate of digestion or waste breakdown such systems are known for. A larger part of this credit goes to the septic aeration system.

These inject the needed oxygen that provides an enabling environment for bacteria to thrive.

  • Versatility

When it comes to applicability and ease of installation, septic aeration systems are well known for these. These systems can easily be installed in different soil environments including rocky terrain, soil, as well as clay.

With aeration systems, there’s no need for elaborate planning restrictions that are common with traditional septic tank (anaerobic) systems. These aerators can be installed in quite a lot of areas around a home.

These include near trees and so on. To be on the safe side, it’s better to allow a septic technician to recommend where it should b installed.

  • Minimal Maintenance Requirements

Little maintenance is needed to keep an aerobic treatment unit working.

As sufficient air gets pumped using the septic aeration system, wastewater is efficiently broken down. This in turn requires less pumping compared to those units which do not receive sufficient air injection.

Septic aeration systems are critical components needed for aerobic treatment units to function effectively. The information supplied above has highlighted the key functions, the benefits, and more.

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