Here, our focus is on the most ideal septic systems for small lots.

The installation of onsite septic waste treatment for small lots is an important issue due to several reasons.

First, there’s the challenge of space. As the name suggests, small lots are limited by size, as such a lot of planning goes into proper utilization of available space.

If you’ve ever wondered if a septic system can be installed at all, in a small lot, the answer is yes! It can! However, the soil conditions among other factors will determine the type of system to be installed.

A small lot of dwelling also translates to fewer household members. In other words, only a limited amount of people will be using such a system.

Therefore, considerations are made about size when considering what septic system to install.

Alternative Septic System For Small Lots

To determine the septic system that’s most ideal for your small lot of residence, it’s necessary to know the options you have.

First, we’d have to mention the types of septic systems before narrowing them down to the most ideal for small lot residences.

The most popular types of septic systems include conventional systems, chamber systems, aerobic treatment systems, and drip distribution systems.

Others include a sand filter system, mound system, and evapotranspiration system.

As always, the installation of a particular type of septic system is determined by the soil condition in such an area. Soil condition plays a pivotal role in wastewater treatment.

As such, a soil condition that’s unable to properly handle filtration won’t support certain types of systems.

Types Of Septic Systems For Small Lots

Is there anything like the most suitable septic system for small lot homes? There is!

If you’re seeking to install a septic system but wonder which to choose, consider; aerobic treatment systems and drip distribution systems. These serve the wastewater treatment needs of areas with a limited lot.

i. Aerobic Treatment Systems

The name this septic system goes by suggests the need for aeration. That is the case when it comes to such systems. Oxygen is needed to introduce digestive bacteria into the wastewater.

This aids with a faster breakdown of such waste.

Aerobic treatment systems have key components that all perform crucial functions. These include an aeration chamber, a settling chamber, a pretreatment tank, and a land application or distribution system.

  • Aeration Chamber

An aeration chamber is designed to introduce aerobic microbes as well as oxygen into wastewater. This is achieved by the use of an air pump or compressor which bubbles air through the wastewater.

  • Settling Chamber

A settling chamber is yet another component of the aerobic treatment system. This is also called a clarifier as it holds wastewater until microbes have settled out of the water.

  • Pretreatment Tank

The pretreatment tank of an aerobic treatment system can be said to be the trash tank. This is so because it helps with the removal of non-biodegradable materials.

  • Land Application

Land application has to do with the distribution of wastewater into the soil for filtration.

This is necessary to ensure wastewater or effluent gets filtered before it reaches groundwater. The land application component may also have spray distribution units powered by a pump tank and spray heads.

Aerobic Treatment System Benefits

Based on our discussion, the most obvious benefit of an aerobic treatment system is the fact that it’s perfect for small lot homes.

In addition to being perfect for small lots, aerobic treatment systems are also ideal for areas with high water tables.

ii. Drip Distribution Systems

The drip distribution system is another septic system that’s great for small lots.

However, it requires a maze of distribution pipes which must be buried underneath the ground surface. These pipes should be about 6 to 12 inches underground.

With the drip distribution system, there’s no need for traditional drain field effluent channeling. The drip distribution has several components that include the septic tank, the lift tank, and the dispersal unit.

This type of septic system has perforated tubing that carries distributes effluent. Such perforated tubing is also known as drip emitters. They’re evenly spaced at intervals of 12 to 24 inches. Timing is essential to the treatment of effluent using this system.

One of the obvious benefits of the drip distribution system is that a drain field isn’t needed. Wastewater gets dispersed easily through the perforated pipes. The absence of a drain field saves space which is why it’s a great option to consider for small lots.

Challenges Posed By Small Lots

To build or install a septic system on a small lot, a wide range of considerations need to be made.

These considerations revolve around limiting factors such as tight property boundaries, and limitations posed by water bodies such as ponds and well, etc.

Large mature trees could also be a hindrance to the construction of septic systems. These space limiting factors require an appropriate response.

In other words, you’ll need to choose other alternative septic systems that fit your small lot’s condition.

As always, a qualified septic system technician should be consulted to help with analysis. An appropriate solution is only possible when conditions are assessed and the right line of action is taken.

Speaking to a Septic Technician

The experience of septic technicians is wide.

They understand what’s best and what isn’t for small lots. As such, you may need to consult with them. Their expertise goes a long way in saving you from making the wrong decision.

Only certified technicians should be contacted. Anything less than that isn’t acceptable as you may end up getting the wrong advice. After contacting a professional, an assessment of your property needs to be done or carried out.

An inspection helps determine what works or doesn’t. In other words, the results of a completed assessment provide answers as to the type of septic system that best suits your small lot.

The value of your property is also determined by the type of system you install.

Not all septic systems can be installed on small lots. You’ll need to find the perfect fit. Here, we’ve considered the different types that can serve your needs.

Most importantly, we’ve seen that no decision should be taken without the input of an expert.

One Comment

  1. George Lister says:

    types of septic systems include conventional systems, chamber systems, aerobic treatment systems, and drip distribution systems.
    How close to a Lake can these septic systems be located and how much space do they take. Inquiring about converting a cottage into a all year home on a 50X 100 lot with garage and house the system is bein place in front towards the lake.

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