One of the key aspects of septic tank maintenance has to do with frequency. In other words, the frequency of maintenance is as important as the actual maintenance itself.

One question anyone is likely to ask is; how often should a septic tank be pumped?

Septic Tank Pumping Frequency

All you need to know about pumping frequency will be discussed right here.

We’ll also be looking at key areas related to the topic of discussion. Talking about pumping frequency, septic tanks will get filled up after a while.

Before it gets pumped, technicians check the sludge levels as well as the scum lying above among other things.

You only need to stick with us to the end to learn as much as you can about septic tank pumping frequency.

How Frequently Should A Septic Tank Be Pumped?

Ideally, a septic tank should be pumped once every three to four years.

Septic tank pumping is one of the major maintenance actions taken to keep a septic system functioning effectively. Not keeping or observing scheduled septic tank pumping is likely to impact negatively on the whole system.

Septic systems have interconnected parts that function as a single unit. So, one issue left unchecked may cause a system breakdown. This means you need to ensure your septic tank is pumped as when due.

Now that you know how frequently to pump your septic tank, let’s discuss other related matters.

Three To Four Years Is Only A Timeframe

One of the things some readers are likely to pick is the absence of definiteness.

In other words, only a timeframe has been stated. The reasons are quite simple; the septic system design as well as the number of users in household matters.

The higher the number of users or members of a household, the faster it gets filled up. Your actual pumping needs can be closely estimated with the help of a licensed service provider.

You can further assess your user behavior to determine how frequently your septic system gets used.

Assessing Use Behavior

To examine how your actions determine the pumping frequency of your septic tank, you’ll need to consider key parameters.

Such parameters include what gets disposed into your septic tank and how often you do your laundry.

Let’s take a look at these and more;

  • Garbage Disposal Use

Garbage disposal plays an important role in what gets into a tank. Some homeowners use their garbage disposal a lot. This practice has been found to affect optimal septic tank conditions.

As such, an imbalance in the system is likely to create problems. You may end up needing more frequent septic tank pumping than necessary.

  • Dishwasher and Washing Machine Use

These two are among home appliances known to use up a lot of water. Use behavior also matters. Use behavior in this sense refers to how often you run a laundry or dish wash in these machines.

One of the most efficient ways of conserving water is to only run your dishwasher and washing machines on full loads. That way, less water tends to get into your septic tank. This extends your septic tank pumping frequency.

  • How Does Your Septic System Work?

One of the important points to consider in determining how sewage gets into your septic tank.

Some tanks require a sump pump connected while others need sewage to be pumped out of the basement in the absence of gravity flow. All these counts towards septic tank pumping frequency.

  • Water Use

Water use is crucial in determining how often a septic tank gets pumped. Note that the more water ends up in a septic tank, the higher the likelihood of your tank filling up fast?

This means you could be calling for septic tank pumping more frequently than necessary.

One of the ways to check or conserve water use is by installing low-flow showerheads and toilets. More importantly, faucets shouldn’t be left running when not in use. Immediate action should be taken to fix all forms of leaks that may appear.

Fixing the small issues enable you to save big on pumping and repair costs. You should pay close attention to how much water gets into the system. This type of use assessment helps you measure how often a septic tank should get pumped.

  • Using Anti-Bacterial Limiting Products

Antiseptic and antibacterial products do a lot to get rid of germs.

However, their effect goes as far as disrupting bacterial activity in septic tanks. In other words, antibacterial cleaning products end up creating septic tank problems when constantly emptied into the tank.

Quite a lot of bacteria found in septic tanks get killed. This prevents the proper and effective breakdown of waste matter. A malfunctioning tank is likely to result which may end up increasing the pumping frequency.

  • Septic Tank Size

The holding capacity of a septic tank directly impacts its pumping frequency. However, this isn’t without considering the number of users present.

For instance, a small septic tank installed in a household with a lot of members tends to get filled up faster.

In such situations, the need for septic tank pumping becomes more frequent. Such a septic tank may get pumped once every 1 or 2 years. On the other hand, a large septic tank being used by a small household will last longer.

Before such a tank gets pumped, it may take close to 5 to 6 years.

Ratio Of People To The Number Of Rooms

Are there more people living in a house than there is the number of bedrooms?

This can be a clear sign as to the frequency of usage. Every septic tank installed in a home is expected to serve an estimated number of people.

If You Seek Answers, Ask the Experts

All the parameters given above serve to provide a broad understanding of septic tank pumping frequency. An expert performs a more comprehensive analysis of septic pumping frequency.

This allows for some level of definiteness.

These are key points to consider when finding out the pumping frequency for a septic tank. Typically, there’s a timeframe for pumping that ranges from 3 to 5 years.

One Comment

  1. Afton Jackson says:

    Doing septic pumping to prevent too much water overuse could be important for sure. If we do that, we could still use our water fixtures here during the holidays without having to worry about high bills all the time, keeping the upkeep here low. I’ll ask a septic pumping expert to stop by immediately so everything here can be managed well regarding our pump.

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