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Will Ammonia Kill Bed Bugs And Their Eggs?

Can ammonia kill bed bugs? Today, we will be answering your questions on using ammonia for bed bugs.

People have had ongoing battles with bed bugs using a wide range of measures. These can be broadly categorized into DIY and professional treatments.

In terms of solutions to the problem, the former doesn’t seem to measure up as much as the latter.

This is due to the difficult nature of bed bug control.

Does Ammonia Kill Bed Bugs?

For a lot of homeowners, the need to find immediate solutions to their bed bug problems is paramount. One of those treatments that have been promoted by many is the use of ammonia for bed bug extermination.

Does it really help in any way? This is the focus of our discussion here.

What Do You Need?

A lot of times, people misplace their priorities in terms of needs and what they want to do.

In other words, the use of DIY treatments for bed bug problems may not be as effective or reliable, but people still seem to want to continue getting mediocre results.

The pest possible action would be to seek professional help.

So, you’ll have to look critically at your bed bug problem with the resolve to use a treatment that actually works. Bed bug issues aren’t to be taken lightly.

The longer you apply treatments that won’t work, the more problematic it gets.

Will Ammonia Kill Bed Bugs?

Does ammonia treat pests?

Ammonia is basically a colorless gas comprising hydrogen and nitrogen.

In its liquid form, it’s called ammonium hydroxide. It has a pungent smell and can be toxic and caustic at high levels. This sounds like trouble.

In terms of its exterminating effect on bed bugs, ammonia will indeed kill bed bugs when applied to them.

However, for ammonia to be effective, it has to be in contact with these bugs.

Only then can you have the desired impact you wish to have. So, in what form is it best to apply ammonia treatment on bed bugs? Ammonia is a gas that can be bubbled through water to form ammonium hydroxide.

Its liquid form is best used for treating pest issues like bed bugs.

How Does Ammonia Kill Bed Bugs?

This strong alkaline solution known as ammonium hydroxide does the killing.

Due to its corrosive nature, ammonia applied on bed bugs slowly eats at their cell tissues and membranes, thus killing them in the process.

Bed bug eggs aren’t spared either.

However, for ammonia treatments to be successful, you’ll need to cover all infested areas with this treatment. Bed bug extermination isn’t easy especially when such treatment follows DIY techniques such as the use of ammonia.

How to Use Ammonia for Bed Bug Extermination

To use this treatment method, you’ll need to get pure ammonia. This is sold as a cleaning product. Also, get a new spray bottle as well as rubber gloves and water.

With these in place, you’ll need to make a solution by diluting your ammonia.

In other to get the desired concentration, consider looking at the use instructions on the packaging.

Because ammonia is caustic, you may end up damaging your furniture and other surfaces when the concentration is too high. Plus, your health could be in jeopardy when its fumes are inhaled.

On the other hand, a low concentrated ammonia solution won’t give you the desired effect on bed bugs. These bugs may come out unscathed. Take off your bed linens for laundry.

Now, unlike chemical treatments, your room or treatment area needs to be well ventilated during treatment.

This is due to the caustic fumes that may result which can be dangerous to your health. Next, it’s expected that you should have identified the main infested areas even before treatment.

Spray your ammonia treatment directly on these bugs. They have to come in contact with it for maximum effect.

The Safety of Ammonia Use for Bed Bug Extermination

During pest control, your primary concern should be your safety as well as that of your household members. This comes first even before the effects such treatment has on targeted pests.

Following safety instructions on this product during treatment is vital.

More important is the need to avoid mixing ammonia with other liquids or substances.

By itself, ammonia can be harmful when its fumes are inhaled, however, safety risks are multiplied many folds when mixed with other substances like bleach.

Such could be highly toxic to your respiratory system.

Seek for Safer Alternatives

While ammonia might give you some level of result when used correctly, it’s clearly risky for use in homes. This is especially true when you have kids and pets around.

So, your best bet will be to seek safer alternatives. We won’t be going into much detail now. However, researching safer treatment alternatives does a lot of good.

Natural treatment methods for bed bugs can be considered. While these may have many limitations, they’re mostly non-toxic, hence safe for use.

Some home remedies being promoted for bed bug control include the use of vacuum cleaners, freezing items to kill these bugs, and also the use of steam treatments.

Others include hot washing of bedding, the use of a hot dryer, as well as encasing your mattresses and pillows.

These might help but can’t be relied upon to provide comprehensive bed bug extermination. You might want to try out something more effective like professional bed bug control.

Go for Professional Bed Bug Control

The need to call in the pros for your bed bug problem is vital. This is because DIY treatments like the use of ammonia have many downsides.

With such treatments, bed bug issues are likely to linger on, plus, your safety is at stake.

With professional bed bug control, skilled and experienced technicians carry out your bed bug extermination with great results obtained from the treatment process.

If you’ve been overwhelmed by DIY treatments, this is your best bet to have comprehensive treatment.

You only need to find a reputable pest management service that caters to all your bed bug extermination needs. One of the ways to go about this is by reading through verified online reviews about the company.

Also, ask your friends and family to recommend a pest management service for you.

Ammonia will indeed kill bed bugs. However, lots of issues, especially those regarding its safety and efficacy can arise.