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Zipper Spiders – Features, Attraction, Benefits, And Control Options

Also known as yellow garden spiders, zipper spiders cause all sorts of problems to homeowners with most of these having to do with their positioning and occasional bites.

Speaking of positioning, zipper spiders will weave their webs in corners around doorway corners, porches, decks, and other areas of the home such as the garden.

If you’ve noticed these large spiders around your home, you may want to learn a thing or two about their behaviors and how best to control them.

These arachnid species aren’t aggressive. Nevertheless, they deliver stinging bites when they feel threatened.

More on this will be discussed shortly.

Issues With Zipper Spiders

When it comes to zipper spider presence in homes, a lot of homeowners complain most about the mess created by their webs. Equally worrisome are the stings or bites from these spiders.

When zipper spiders bite, most healthy adults won’t have a hard time getting over it without medical attention.

While this is true, such bites sting. However, such stings do not last long. There’s another problem caused by zipper spider bites. In rare cases, allergies may develop.

Also, anaphylaxis is a possibility but happens rarely. When complications develop from their bites, it’s important to seek urgent medical attention.

Are there Benefits to Zipper Spiders Around?

From our discussion so far, we’ve mostly painted a gloomy picture regarding zipper spider presence.

However, that isn’t always the case as these spiders offer some form of benefits. Are you surprised?

You shouldn’t be. Zipper spiders found in gardens help out with pest control.

As predatory creatures, yellow garden spiders (as they’re popularly called) prey on insects that cause damage to garden plants. This is a natural approach to pest control you may be interested in.

However, a lot of homeowners for the most part will want to have garden pests removed through other means.

In other words, some gardeners will prefer to have a pest management company come around to handle their pest needs. Under such an arrangement, there’s no need for zipper spiders.

You might as well have these spiders exterminated or repelled from your surroundings.

Where the Name Comes From

If you’re curious enough, you may wish to know why zipper spiders are called by the name zipper.

Do they or their webs resemble zippers? The latter (spun webs) are the reason why yellow garden spiders are called zipper spiders.

Although they weave normal webs, you’ll find a zipper-shaped pattern that crosses the middle of such webs. There are no clear reasons for the use of such a zipper-shaped pattern.

Nevertheless, it’s a clear distinguishing factor between zipper spider webs and those belonging to other spider species.

Can You Tolerate Zipper Spider Presence?

As mentioned earlier, zipper spiders are predatory creatures. This means they mostly target prey which consists of small bugs around the home.

However, zipper spiders can sometimes get in the way.

Here, you might find them encroaching into your territory or personal space as they weave webs around door corners, porches, and decks.

Such webs create a mess as the infested area looks unsightly. Under such conditions, it’s necessary to have them exterminated and their nets removed.

However, when zipper spiders are in outdoor environments like your garden, you can afford to tolerate their presence.

You might be interested in their feeding preferences which help cut down on pests around your home. So, the decision on zip spider control lies solely with you. Your needs will always determine your actions.

Zip spiders in gardens are likely to be tolerated because their presence benefits your plants.

Zipper Spider Control

When it comes to the control of zipper spiders, two things are involved.

You’ll have to get rid of the spiders themselves as well as remove their webs and eggs.

Of course, you’ll need an appropriate tool such as a broom or other useful equipment for this job.

  • Removing Zipper Spider Webs

One thing that makes the removal of zipper spider webs effective treatment is because such webs aren’t quickly replaced. Unlike other common spider species, it takes a longer time for such webs to be removed.

To make it less likely to reoccur, consider killing the spiders.

Wherever these webs are, you only need to have them brushed off. This will be necessary when you don’t want to see zipper spiders around your home and garden area.

By removing these webs, you’re making your home surroundings less messy.

  • Removing Zipper Spider Eggs

One thing that makes destroying zipper spider eggs easy is the fact that such eggs are attached to their webs. Each egg sac contains about 1,000 eggs.

The sheer number of eggs waiting to hatch is quite frightful because all of these will hatch as long as they remain undisturbed.

Once zipper spider webs are removed, the eggs go with them. It’s satisfying to know that you prevented a lot of eggs from hatching. While this is true, it isn’t enough to simply have them removed.

You need to destroy the egg sacs to make treatment more effective.

Can Zipper Spiders Be Controlled via DIY?

DIY pest control strategies are common across many households.

If you’re dealing with a zipper spider problem, you can easily have such handled by tackling these pests yourself.

As mentioned earlier, begin by removing spun webs and eliminate spiders using any available pesticide at your disposal.

While DIY methods for spider control are popular, some alternatives include paying for professional spider control. This is a more reliable control strategy as skilled and experienced professionals are called in.

With their understanding of zipper spider behavior, technicians can offer long-lasting solutions to the problem.

Know What Attracts Zipper Spiders

Knowing what attracts zipper spiders to your environment helps with your control efforts. Of course, the primary attraction is food which includes all sorts of small bugs.

Other attractions include water, high humidity, trash, warmth, trees, shrubs, bushes, and secluded areas. With knowledge of these, your control efforts become more effective.

We’ve discussed the basics of zipper spiders. With the information provided here, you only need to look out for these pests and implement your treatment strategies.

For some people, the presence of zipper spiders is considered great due to their predatory behavior on smaller pests.