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Natural Ways to Get Rid of Groundhogs – 8 Home Remedies

Here, we discuss a variety of strategies and remedies for groundhog control. With these proven techniques, you’ll be able to implement with desired results obtained in the end easily.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Groundhogs Naturally

Groundhogs are known to cause all sorts of problems ranging from damage to grasses, tearing of tree roots, damage to crops, and caves created.

These may also carry ticks and fleas that can pass on diseases like Lyme and Powassan to humans and pets.

Rabid groundhogs have also been identified. With all of these issues, having them around can be problematic and risky. Most people dealing with groundhog infestations seek effective control strategies for this problem.

You’re probably reading this article because you seek answers to the problem.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Groundhogs

The problems posed by groundhogs can be overwhelming to many people, primarily when effective control strategies aren’t known. Luckily there are lots of these strategies provided here.

They include dumping ammonia in groundhog tunnels, smoking them out, and using castor oil.

Other helpful strategies include creating ground vibrations, introducing natural predators, applying garlic & pepper, and fencing your yard.

Groundhogs can also be gotten rid of by sprinkling human hair clippings, hunting them down, and applying kitty litter.

i. Dumping Ammonia in Groundhog Tunnel

Ammonia is one chemical that can be used as an excellent home remedy treatment for groundhogs.

These rodents have a wonderful smell, and the ammonia odor irritates them. For this treatment to be effective, you must dump a sufficient amount of ammonia down groundhog tunnels.

However, this needs to be done systematically to get the best result. Here, all connecting tunnels need to be identified before application. Groundhogs hardly ever make single tunnels.

Pour down a sufficient amount of ammonia in each hole.

The fumes given off by ammonia irritate these rodents as they scramble out of their tunnels in search of a safer environment. However, we must say that simply applying ammonia will give you long-term results.

You’ll need to fence off your yard when these rodents are gone.

ii. Smoking them Out

To avoid killing groundhogs while they’re still in the tunnel, consider the smoking technique. Gas bombs are highly effective as they flush out these rodents from their tunnels.

However, for the smoking technique to be effective, you’ll need to ensure that groundhogs are inside their tunnels.

For best results, all tunnel openings need to be identified. These will need to be filled up or blocked except for one. The one hole left open will serve as the exit point for escape.

If you don’t know where to purchase a gas bomb, consider adopting a more creative approach like channeling your car’s exhaust into the hole.

Connecting a hose from your car’s exhaust to the hole will still serve the same as choking up on fumes. Of course, you’ll need to block all exits except one, just like with the smoke bomb.

iii. Using Castor Oil

Like ammonia, groundhogs hate the smell of castor oil.

They prefer to avoid areas treated with this oil. To begin with, you can either decide to spray or apply a few drops of castor oil around tunnel openings.

This permeates the entire tunnel system when appropriately applied.

You can also choose to make a solution of castor oil and have it sprayed. To make this treatment more potent, consider adding other ingredients with offensive (offensive to groundhogs) scents like garlic, lavender, and cayenne pepper.

Any combination of these ingredients will prove potent.

iv. Creating Ground Vibrations

Groundhogs nest in burrows and prefer the quiet of their peaceful abode.

However, when things become tumultuous, they’re distressed and can move out of their nests in search of a safer dwelling. You can take advantage of this by creating ground vibrations close to their tunnels.

There are different ways to achieve this, including using vibrating sonic devices, placing lawn windmills around, or even installing spinning pinwheels.

Not everyone will find these options worthwhile because it’s a short-term solutions to a problem. Whatever it is, you can make your innovations.

v. Introducing Natural Predators

One of the things most dreaded by groundhogs is the presence of a predator.

Such perceived predators may range from dogs to cats. However, if you’re not a pet owner, you can ask a neighbor to supply you with cat or dog urine.

When poured around exit points, groundhogs are scared and will keep away.

If you plan on going all the way, you can get some more predator urine and pour it around your home’s perimeter. This won’t be necessary if you have a cat or dog, as their presence alone can have a repelling effect on groundhogs.

vi. Applying Garlic & Pepper

We earlier stated that groundhogs hate garlic and pepper due to their pungent smell and irritations caused. These are common food ingredients you can quickly get wherever you live.

Have these crushed and mixed in a solution of water or ammonia.

When sprayed around tunnel entry points, groundhogs take flight and temporarily abandon their nests. You’ll need to apply this treatment repeatedly while providing barriers like walls to keep these rodents out.

vii. Fencing Off your Yard

Fencing is one of the ways you can ward off groundhogs from your yard.

For this to be effective, existing problems need to be resolved. In other words, groundhogs holed up in your yard need to be evicted. After getting rid of them, install a fence around your home.

This fence should be at least 2 feet deep and 3 feet high to prevent digging under or jumping over.

viii. Hunt them Down

You may want to shoot and kill these rodents if you love hunting. You get to choose what to do with the carcass. Some people add them to their diet. You may want to try too.

These home remedies for getting rid of groundhogs have been tried, with many confirming their efficacy. You may want to try it out to see if you have any results. There’s a high chance you would.

If you don’t, consider saving yourself the stress by calling for professional control.