Getting rid of beavers naturally or otherwise, isn’t enough. Checks must be put in place to prevent them from returning. We’ve got you covered on all aspects of beaver control.
If there’s one thing beavers are known for, it will be for building dams. These are among the largest rodents you’d find. Their activities cause a lot of damage to homes and infrastructure.
But there are ways to curtail such activities as you’d find here. Join us as we discuss some rodent control strategies to get rid of them completely.
Types of Beaver Damage
Beaver prone locations follow a particular pattern of damage. This is caused by beaver activity.
Most times, complaints point to the destruction of trees. The teeth of beavers never stop growing. As such, they constantly need to gnaw on trees to file them. This leads to the felling of such trees.
So, imagine your home is close to these areas! Trees could come down crashing on your home.
Beavers are also known to create bodies of water through damming. This is done by blocking natural water drainage routes. This will result in flooded or waterlogged areas.
In the worst-case scenario, it can lead to the washing off of road surfaces. While these rodents cause you havoc, there are also additional animal problems that may result.
Animal problems as used here refers to natural predators. Such predators include foxes, bears, coyotes, bobcats and more. No one would like to contend with such problems, especially when the presence of these animals makes the situation even more challenging.
Getting rid of beavers is a challenging undertaking. But such challenges can be overcome.
Beaver Habitat
Certain habitats offer the best conditions for beavers to thrive. However, all of them have one thing in common; water.
Beavers are unlikely to be found around arid regions. But if you’re faced with one, chances are that there’s a body of water close by. Beavers will be found around rivers, lakes, streams, and ponds.
There’s almost no area you won’t find beavers as long as the above water bodies are present. Waterlogged areas are also ideal habitats.
Do Beavers Spread Diseases?
Beavers don’t only cause damage to property. They are also a health risk. One of the most common diseases is rabies which can easily be transferred to pets when they get into fights. The pollution caused by water bodies is also a health risk.
One of such parasites is Giardia. Many more parasites and nematodes are associated with beavers.
Getting rid of these beavers is the best way to avoid them.
How to Get Rid of Beavers
We’ve earlier stated that beaver problems are usually tricky to deal with. However, several ways exist to control the situation.
This section will discuss these as well as preventive measures you can adopt.
So, while tackling the problem, you will be putting strategies in place to make your environment unsuitable for them to return.
Lower Water Levels
It’s no secret that beavers target lakes ponds and other water bodies. These provide ideal habitats for them to thrive. But you can disrupt such conditions. The easiest way to achieve this is by lowering water levels.
How? By creating or introducing drainage systems. Pipes can be used in addition to other drainage strategies.
When the water body is down, beavers will find it hard to adapt.
This method is quite popular and often used in beaver control. A lot of patience is required when using this strategy.
This is because beavers try as much as possible to avoid them. Live trapping should be given the most consideration. Using a beaver trap won’t be effective without a bait.
So, we recommend using polar twigs or beaver castor. Any of these should be placed in your cage.
Remember you’re dealing with a large rodent. So, your live trap must equally be large. It must also be made of strong material.
Using galvanized 12 gauge wire cages would serve the purpose. Understanding beaver behavior is also necessary.
Therefore, we recommend setting beaver traps in the evenings. These rodents feed at night. Hence the need to set these before they emerge.
But before setting your traps, you’d need to identify the path used by them. These should be your target. Set your traps along these paths and check frequently to see if there’s any progress.
If there is, you’d need to relocate trapped beavers to new locations.
Avoid relocating them to a location close by. Find water bodies far away (at least 10 miles) from your location.
Seek Expert Help
Getting rid of beavers isn’t for the faint of heart. This is due to the challenging nature of the entire process. Their habitats also make it increasingly difficult to get to them. But you can use the expertise of wildlife removal services.
Such beaver removal services are spread across the country. You only need to find wildlife control services applicable to your state. This information is available online.
Wildlife control technicians are well versed in the job. They possess the skills and have the experience necessary. They also understand beaver behavior, as well as where they are likely to be found. All of the hard work and stress is taken off your shoulders.
These exterminators provide you with wildlife control solutions to your beaver problems.
You also get advice on what to do to keep them off your property. So, do you want your beaver problems gone without having to deal with the problems yourself?
This is an option you should consider.
The use of a firearm in beaver control is also an option you should consider. Though this isn’t applicable in every state. You’d have to find out what applies to your state. Certain states have restrictions on the use of guns in beaver control.
This is a pretty aggressive method for beaver control. Nevertheless, finding a lasting solution should be more important.
When are the beavers most active? This is usually at dusk or dawn. Try hunting them when they are out of water.
Protect Trees From Damage
Trees are targets and building materials for beavers. This is why they continue to nibble on them until such trees are completely damaged. But this can be stopped. By wrapping such trees, you’d be restricting their (beaver) access to an important nesting resource. Trees most preferred by beavers include aspen, birch, willow, apple, and alder.
Heavy gauge wire mesh is best used in protecting tree trunks. Wrap these around tree trunks and secure both ends.
The wire mesh protection should be placed in a way that it is flush with the ground. This makes it difficult for beavers to reach the trunk. There should be adequate spacing (at least 5 inches) all round between the tree trunk and wire mesh.
There’s an alternative method to protect trees from beavers. This involves the use of sand and paint. Get some paint and mix with sand in it. This mixture should be used to paint the tree trunks.
But you need to do this frequently which makes it tiring. But if you don’t mind, why not?
Fence Beavers Off
Beavers can be gotten rid of by fencing them off. But this requires getting them out of your surroundings before it can be effective. A wire mesh fence should be built.
Another type of fence to consider is an electric fence. This carries just enough current that gives beavers a jolt they won’t quickly forget. Using this exclusion method makes your surroundings less favorable to them. It also keeps them off completely.
If you are building a wire mesh fence, at least one-foot should be buried within the ground. This is due to the tendency of beavers to dig under or lift them. Include stakes at the bottom of your fence to ward them off.
This is an additional way to make them avoid your fence. Sometimes, these may not be sufficient. You’d have to frequently inspect such fencing to see if beavers have created an opening.
Use Beaver Repellents
Repellents are designed to help keep your surroundings free of these rodents. There are several beaver repellent products to choose from. It all depends on what you feel comfortable with.
Some repellents include Nature’s Defense. This is a product that has been proven to be environmentally safe. It’s organic and works by producing an irritating smell.
This acts as a barrier which beavers would rather avoid.
4-The-Birds is yet another product that is effective on beavers. The name sounds off right? Yes, it does, but it also works in repelling beavers. Though it was meant to repel birds too. You only need to apply to trees by spraying.
Treated trees are distasteful to beavers. They’d have to find other alternatives outside of treated surroundings to nibble on.
Beaver Repel is an organic product that gives you the results you seek. It is non-toxic and will pose no health risks to your pets and kids. Its detailed use instructions are easy to follow too.
Getting rid of beavers around your property saves you a lot of stress and money. You are also saved from dangers that may result from falling trees and the likes.
We have included ways to deal with the problem. You’re likely to find your most preferred option among those listed above.