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How To Get Rid Of Jumping Spiders

In this article, I’ll be giving you tips on how to get rid of jumping spiders.

Have you tried to swat a spider in your home, and it just jumps away? Don’t be surprised. What you came across was a jumping spider.

These spiders are relatively harmless to humans, but having them around the house can be inconvenient, especially for those who have a phone for insects.

Not to worry, there are straightforward ways by which you can get rid of many spider species.

Stay with me!

Facts About Jumping Spiders

These spiders are not your typical spider. Most spiders spin their webs for two reasons; shelter and to catch prey. On the other hand, Jumping spiders only spin their webs for shelter.

So how do they catch their prey, you ask? They stalk them, wait for the right moment, and pounce on them. They are pretty much nocturnal insects, so they do most of their hunting at night.

Jumping Spiders are the largest spider family on Earth, as there are over 6,000 species. They can also grow to lengths between 14 to 20 millimeters.

As I mentioned before, these spiders are relatively harmless to humans, not because they cannot bite, but because they would instead run (or jump) than stay and fight.

This is not to say you should take them for granted and not proceed with caution. They may prefer to run than fight, but their bites are venomous and will itch and swell, so be careful.

They crawl through cracks in walls, and they love spinning their webs in hidden areas such as under the chairs or tables, behind the bookshelf, and under the kitchen cabinet.

How To Get Rid Of Jumping Spiders

Luckily for us, jumping spiders are among the easiest pests to get rid of. But you still need to know what to do and the safest way to do it.

Follow the tips below to get rid of jumping spiders in your home.

Locate Them First

Since jumping spiders love building their webs in areas concealed from the human eyes, you should start looking for them in such areas around the house.

They are fond of building multiple webs, so finding one doesn’t mean you’ve found them all. You need to take a thorough look around.

Check under your dining or kitchen table, behind the closet, inside the cabinet, and behind the old books on your shelf. If they are in your house, then it’s places like that you will find them.

Vacuum Them Up

One of the quickest ways to eliminate jumping spiders without killing them is to use a vacuum cleaner and suck them up.

You will need a miniature vacuum to do this since they will build their webs and tight spaces. Visit all the areas where they may have nested a begin sucking them up as you find them.

It is advised you vacuum during the day since that is the period they would most likely be “home.” Remember, they are nocturnal creatures, so they go out at night in search of food. Visiting their webs at night might not yield the best results.

After vacuuming, you can take the bag outside and empty it into the trash can. Seal the trash bag tightly so they cannot escape. They will eventually suffocate and die.

Swat Them

Jumping Spiders know how to jump, but that doesn’t mean they can outmaneuver a bug swatter.

This is a straightforward way to get rid of them. All you need to do is buy a fly swat and smack them with it as you come across them.

You could keep one beside your chair while you’re watching TV and swat them as they appear, or you could go hunting for them.

Doing this alone would take you some time, so why not get some help? If you have kids, you can make a game out of it. Whoever swats the most spiders win!

As long as your kids are not afraid of them, they could be of great help.

You will need to buy some extra bug swatters, though. It would be best if you also got everyone a pair of rubber gloves to protect them from bites (doubtful, though). You would also need a glass jar to collect all the swatted spiders.

Use Bug Spray

Using an insecticide is probably the easiest way to kill the jumping spiders. You could use a chemical-based insecticide or an organically made version.

Insecticides are sold in local pest control stores near you. Just visit one and buy it. You can explain that you have a spider infestation, and they’ll recommend just the right insecticide.

If you buy a chemical-based insecticide, you have to be careful when using it. It is toxic to spiders and humans, and pets as well.

Visit their webs and spray directly on them. Spray under the tables, behind the cabinets, around the bookshelf, and other areas where they spend most of their time.

A chemical spray will kill the jumping spiders in a few minutes.

Once again, take precautions as you use a chemical spray. Ensure children and pets are away from the areas being sprayed so they don’t inhale the content.

For each room you spray, you can keep the content from spreading to other rooms by placing an old towel at the base of the door. Also, ensure the windows are closed during spraying to keep the insecticide within the limit.

Also, guard your eyes, hands, nose, and mouth against contact with the insecticide. Wear a facemask and gloves before spraying, and store the spray can away from children’s reach.

Use Boric Acid

If you do not like using a chemical-based spray, you can go a different route by using a powder pesticide.

Boric acid is perfect for killing jumping spiders. It is sold commercially and works just as well.

Buy a box of boric acid and visit the areas where the spiders are most active. Sprinkle adequate amounts of boric acid in those areas and wait for the spiders to contact it.

Sprinkle some around the cracks and crevices along with other crawl spaces. When the spiders make contact with it, they will ingest it and die.

This method effectively kills jumping spiders, but it isn’t ideal if you have pets in the house. For instance, a pet dog can sniff around the areas where the powder has been sprinkled and ingest it.

This will poison the dog and cause it to be sick, or even die.

How To Keep Jumping Spiders Away From Your Home

You can take simple steps to keep jumping spiders away from your home. Follow the tips below.

Eliminate The Crawl Spaces

Jumping Spiders maybe find jumping, but they still crawl as the situation requires.

One of their favorite crawl spaces is the cracks and crevices in your walls. To limit the number of comfort zones they have, you should seal off all the cracks in the walls.

You can use caulk to do this.

Install Window Screens

Jumping Spiders can get into your home simply by crawling or jumping through your windows. As much as ventilation is required, it would be best if you still found an effective means of keeping them out.

One such means is by installing window screens. These will stop the spiders, including other invading insects as well.

There are different types of mesh screens, and some have larger holes than others. Install the ones that have tighter weaves, small enough to keep the spiders out.

Check Old Items Before You Bring Them In

If you’re moving into a new home, you’ll probably bring along old boxes of books or clothes. Be sure to check these boxes for spiders before you bring them in.

If you find any webbing material on any part of the box, give it a more thorough look to see if one or two are hiding within the box’s contents.

Use a vacuum to suck them up if you find any. You can also sweep the webs away using a duster.

Practice Regular Cleaning

If the jumping spiders have already built their webs around your home, leaving them there only makes it more comfortable for them.

Develop a habit of thoroughly cleaning the areas around your home. You will destroy their webs and displace them in the process. Your vacuum can also suck them up in the process.


Jumping spiders aren’t challenging to get rid of. You can swat, spray, or vacuum them away. Maintaining a clean, dust-free home will also help make your home uncomfortable for them.

Follow the tips provided here to kill or control them.

I trust this article on how to get rid of jumping spiders has been helpful.

Take care!