In this article, I’ll be discussing how to get rid of water bugs.
I’m sure we all, at one point or the other, have had issues with water bugs in and outside the house. Even though they don’t bite humans, they could be nasty, as they can contaminate your food.
Luckily they can be gotten rid of using different means. So if you’re having water bug problems and you don’t know how to get rid of them, I ask that you keep reading.
What Are Water Bugs?
Water bug belongs to a group of insects in the “Hemiptera” family.
Here is a comparison of water bugs with roaches.
Cockroaches are a popular species of water bugs. Other members include cicadas, aphids, and hoppers.
They usually have this brownish or tan color and can grow up to two inches at full maturity.
These bugs have wings, although they hardly use them since they are not fond of flying.
You can find water bugs in areas that are warm and moist, such as woodpiles, boiler rooms, heat tunnels, and sewers. Sadly, if outdoor conditions don’t suit them, they’ll explore other options – your home!
When they do, you have to respond by taking steps to get rid of them and prevent them from returning.
How To Kill Water Bugs
There are two means by which you can kill water bugs – chemically and naturally.
The chemical approach requires the use of pesticides or insecticides, and this could be a hazard to the immediate environment if not handled responsibly. The natural approach on the other hand can also get rid of them but in a safer, less hazardous manner.
Follow the tips below to get rid of water bugs.
Use Insecticides
This is probably the most common means of eliminating water bugs from the home. There are many brands of insecticides but be advised to go for the ones that are least toxic, or organically made.
This method is very effective because it kills the bugs fast, the only downside is that the insecticides are also poisonous to humans if inhaled excessively.
If there is a water bug infestation in a particular room, be sure to seal off any spaces where the insecticide could spread to other rooms before spraying. Also take out any edibles from the room, as well as materials such as spoons and plates to avoid contamination.
Also, have on some protective clothing such as nose masks and eye goggles before you spray the insecticide.
Use Boric acid
Boric acid sprinkled over their nesting area is another effective means of getting rid of water bugs. Be careful not to sprinkle too much because roaches usually ignore heavy piles of powder.
The bugs will be attracted to the thin layer of powder and will walk over it. They will then ingest it through their legs and their antennae and it will kill them.
Take precautions when applying boric acid. Make sure pets and children cannot access the areas where the powder is sprinkled. Also put on a pair of gloves before you apply it, just to be on the safe side.
Use Baking Soda And Powdered Sugar
If you’re looking for a more natural, safe means to get rid of the water bugs in your home, then I recommend you try baking soda & powdered sugar.
Make a mixture of baking soda and powdered sugar in equal parts and apply some around the infested areas.
In no time the water bugs will be gone.
The advantage of this method is that these substances are not toxic to humans, but they will irritate the bugs. So if you’re not willing to take any chances om chemicals for the sake of your pets or kids, then this is a good idea!
Another option involves the use of essential oils.
How To Get Rid Of Water Bugs From Outside Your Home
As much as water bugs can be a problem in your home, so can they be in the yard. They can be found around trash bins and leaking pipes, so those are the kinds of areas you would want to target.
Using pesticides and diatomaceous earth have proven to be very effective against water bugs around your yard. This is because they can withstand a few natural elements, such as rain, wind, temperature changes, and harsh sunshine.
Other substances cannot resist such elements and will break down long before they can have any significant effect on the water bugs.
It is recommended that you use both if you’re looking for maximum results.
Grab a can of pesticide and spray it around your house. Wait for it to dry then dust it up with some diatomaceous earth. These work well in keeping water bugs out of your home.
How To Get Rid Of Water Bugs From Your Pool
I can imagine how terrified you will be to find a squad of water bugs in your pool while you swim!
You may be wondering what these creatures are doing in there. Well, water bugs are big fans of stagnant water, and your pool provides just that.
To spare your swimming pool from the horrors of these bugs, use an algaecide to keep algae from forming. Remember, water bugs love eating algae, so the fewer algae in your pool, the less interested they will be in going there.
Doing this will keep your pool clean and bug-free, and there will be no occurrence of bugs clinging to your skin as you swim.
What Are Water Bugs Attracted To?
Knowing what water bugs are attracted to will give you a better idea of how to tackle them. I will list out some of their perks below.
Their name says it all. Water Bugs enjoy water so it’s only natural for them to seek out moist areas to perch.
If you’ve got certain spots in and around your home with a lot of moisture, then expect to find the bugs there. Such places include leaking sink or toilet pipes, and areas with standing water.
Sweet and Starchy Food
Water Bugs have a “sweet tooth”, so they are always on the lookout for food that tastes good. They also love starchy food and things made of it. Including wallpaper backs, book bindings, paper, and some clothing materials.
They also love fermented liquids, such as wine and beer.
Where Do Water Bugs Come From?
Water bugs are originally outdoor creatures, but they can creep into your home in search of food sources or escape very cold temperatures.
You can find them where there are decomposing materials, your outdoor trash can for instance. They can also be found where there are heaps of dead and rotting trees or parts of it.
Since they love moist areas, they can also come from outdoor sewer pipes and septic tanks.
What Do Water Bugs Eat?
There are different types of water bugs, some larger and hungrier than others.
Some feed on algae and tiny water organisms, some larger ones feed on dead/rotting fish and snails. They can also feed on other insects and their larvae, as long as their size permits them.
How To Prevent Water Bugs
After treating water bug infestation, you should protect your home and your yard from a re-occurrence.
Follow these steps to make sure they don’t return –
Keep Your Kitchen and Bathroom Clean
The cleaner your kitchen and bathroom are, the less you will find these roaches. Moisture from bathwater can lead to the formation of algae, so keep it dry as much as you can.
Don’t Leave Food Out Overnight
Leftover food is a magnet for water bugs, especially if they are sweet and starchy. After your meals, clean up the place where you ate and make sure you do the dishes.
Also vacuum the area, just to make sure there are no crumbs or food particles on the floor.
Dry Up Standing Water
If you have standing water in some areas around your yard, then you probably have a leaking pipe. Fix these pipes to prevent water from dripping out, and you will no longer see any water bugs there.
Get Rid Of Garbage
Water bugs are addicted to trash cans and won’t hesitate to invade any that is filled with decaying food or paper.
Make sure you take out the trash every day and keep your trash can clean. Also, make sure that the can you use is made of plastic materials and has a tight lid so the water bugs can’t get in.
Have Good Air Circulation Around Your Home
When there is good air circulation around your home, there will be a reduction in dampness. Since water bugs love moisture, make sure potential damp spots receive enough air daily so they can be dried out.
You can leave your kitchen and bathroom windows open for more air to come in.
Even though water bugs do not bite humans, they are still irritating pests.
Follow the tips in this article to have a water bug-free home.
I hope this article on how to get rid of water bugs has been helpful.
Good luck!