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Monthly Pest Control – Scheduling, Inspecting & Treatment Cost

Scheduled monthly pest control involves regular visits by professional pest technicians to perform basic treatments for pest problems every month.

This type of treatment takes into consideration the lifecycle of pests and aims to always disrupt such, thus making it difficult for pest issues to break out.

Is Monthly Pest Control Necessary?

Monthly pest control visits tend to be the most common with many clients. Here, we’ll be discussing all that and what’s covered or included under such treatment plans.

More importantly, you’ll have to decide if such a schedule fits your particular needs.

For many exterminator companies, the average monthly pest control cost around $50 to $70 per visit.

What’s the Ideal Frequency for Pest Control?

One of the toughest decisions to make for many is figuring out the ideal pest control frequency for their homes or businesses. The truth is this; it totally depends on your particular situation.

Everyone has their unique situation that determines how often they need to perform pest control.

Most times, you’ll find pest management companies offering varying treatment schedules based on client needs. These range from one-time treatments, to monthly, bi-monthly, as well as quarterly treatment plans.

So, which of these is best for you? A definite answer can’t be given without identifying your needs.

Only after identifying your needs can you decide which of these plans best serves you.

To figure out your needs, you’ll need to consider the natural habitat around your home, the most common pest problems you have as well as the degree of infestation.

There’s also a need to consider moisture levels around your home.

What more? Homeowners will do well to consider the temperature and seasons as well as identify their pesticide preferences.

Each of these points has a role to play in determining whether you’ll need monthly pest control or other more appropriate pest control schedules.

  • Natural Habitat around your Home

The natural habitat around your home has a lot to do with the frequency of pest issues you deal with.

For example, it’s common to find a home with tall grasses and unkempt shrubs attracting a lot of fleas, mosquitoes, and other pests.

Also, surroundings with gravels or rocks will readily attract arthropods like spiders, scorpions, and centipedes.

While some of these conditions such as tall grasses and shrubs can be addressed through maintenance, others will be a lot more difficult to address.

Here, a monthly pest control frequency should be sufficient to keep these pests at bay.

To be doubly sure about the ideal frequency, consider discussing with a professional to determine what your specific condition will require.

Also, an effective treatment will be required to ensure the treatment procedure is successful. Using the wrong treatments may not resolve the problem even with monthly treatments.

  • Most Common Pest Issues

You’ll need to identify the most common type(s) of pest issues you face to determine what treatments will be applied.

Also, the frequency of the treatment schedule recommended for your situation will be determined by the pest problem. So, why does the type of pest determine treatment frequency?

It boils down to the reproductive life cycle of the pest in question. For a lot of insect pests, a monthly pest control schedule will be sufficient enough to put the problem under control.

After identifying the pest problem, what remains is to discuss with your pest control technician on the treatment approach to use.

Also, a plan is put in place for monthly or bi-monthly pest control visits. By discussing with a pro, you’re never in doubt about what’s involved and how effective the method used is.

With this detail discussed, let’s get to other reasons why monthly pest control may be necessary.

  • Degree of Infestation

What’s the extent of your pest problem? This has a lot to do with the frequency of treatment.

To better understand this point, we’ll have to look at preventive control as well as treatment for an existing pest problem. In the case of the former, less frequent visits by a pest control technician are required.

For such, bi-monthly or quarterly visits should serve the purpose.

The goal is not to treat an existing problem, but to lower the chances of an outbreak. It practically suppresses any unknown pest issue that may be developing.

In terms of an existing pest problem, its extent needs to be known. A difficult infestation will require more than a single visit. Instead of a one-time visit by a pest control technician, scheduled visits may be recommended.

Monthly pest control is to be decided upon.

  • Moisture Levels around your Home

Moisture has a lot to do with pest presence around your home. When these pests come around, they do so for three things; food, water (moisture), and shelter.

So, the moisture situation around your home will have a huge impact on whether or not pests will find your home welcoming.

Moisture problems can be quite expensive to fix. Nevertheless, you’ll need to get it done otherwise; a whole range of problems including pest presence may result.

Other issues include mold and mildew growth, structural deterioration, and so many others.

As the moisture problem is being fixed, monthly pest treatment may be necessary to kill any pests that may find your home surroundings a perfect breeding ground.

Again, you’ll need to discuss with your technician to fully understand how to go about the whole situation.

  • Temperature and Seasons

Temperature plays a role in determining the presence of pests. The same applies to rainfall volume. High temperatures combined with significant rainfall provide the perfect environment for pests of all sorts to thrive.

Under such conditions, a monthly pest control schedule will likely be maintained.

Lots of bugs emerge when there’s consistent rainfall. You’ll need to work out a schedule with your pest management service to know what times to visit for treatment.

By doing this, your bug problems are effectively suppressed.

  • Identify your Pesticide Preferences

What pesticide are you more comfortable with? Over the years, there has been a steady shift in preference for organic insecticides. The reasons aren’t far-fetched.

Organic insecticides are environmentally friendly and safe for use. However, these don’t last long in terms of their after-effects compared to chemical pesticides.

So, you’re likely to require monthly pest control performed to ward off all pests within and around your property.

With these explanations, you have a better idea of why monthly pest control is necessary. Your discussion with a professional should better allow you to have a good grasp of the need for monthly pest control.