Do you continually have problems with rats in cars eating wires?
Encounters between humans and rodents have mostly been negative.
This is owing to the destructive nature of these creatures who chew through anything they can. There seems to be nothing stopping rodents from gnawing through furniture, wiring, clothing, etc.
How to Prevent Rats From Eating Car Wires
Cars are not left out of such destructive activity as damage only becomes obvious after vital wiring has been chewed through. To protect car wires from being chewed through, definite steps need to be taken.
The nature of such actions is what we’ll be looking at.
In other words, how to stop rodents from chewing car wires is the focus here.
Why Cars Are Easy Targets
You might have noticed rodent droppings on your car engine or other interior areas. These are tell-tale signs that signal the activity of rodents within and around your car.
Cars easily become targets for rodents due to the warmth they get from the engine.
Cars also offer secluded spaces for rodents to thrive and store stolen food. What more? The dark engine interior and other spaces are welcoming to them.
This is why sometimes mice build nests in your car’s ventilation system.
Rodent activity tends to be more common in cars that aren’t infrequent use. This isn’t to say those in use are spared of the destructive activity of these pests.
Signs of Chewed Car Wire
If you suspect rodents to have caused damage to your car wires, you only need to look for any signs pointing to that possibility.
One of the things you might notice is your vehicle’s check-engine lights turned on for no apparent reason. You might spot openings around non-metal engine components.
When rodents gnaw through such vulnerable points, they gain access to your engine bay from where they chew through any cables they fine.
The appearance of one symptom or sign should lead to further probing for rodent presence. You’ll need to take urgent action by stopping them in their tracks.
How To Keep Mice and Other Rodents From Chewing Wires
With rodent presence and destruction apparent, what remains is to take immediate action to discourage their presence.
Effective rodent control methods include the setting of traps, the use of rodent repellents, as well calling for professional pest intervention.
Asides from the methods above, several other effective strategies can be used. These are mostly preventive and help keep rodents at bay.
They include indoor car parking, regular running of your vehicle engine, allowing the hood of your vehicle to stay up all night, and also not allowing food to stay overnight in the car.
What more? You can remove all garbage both within and outside the car, introduce lighting, and also introduce wire mesh covering to help seal the engine bay.
Let’s further discuss each of these points, shall we?
Setting Traps
The proper use of traps can help stop rodents from chewing your car cables. While this is true, knowing the particular type of trap to use might be tricky.
You might have to experiment a bit by getting different types and setting them around your car. The ones that work best should be used more.
Use of Car Rodent Repeller
Although rat infestations are difficult to deal with, they can be repelled using the right type of repellents.
Because rodents have a sharp sense of smell, you might want to take advantage of such by spraying strong-smelling deterrents like peppermint oil on your car cables.
Another repellent alternative is the use of certain tapes which are treated with repellents like capsaicin. Whenever you use these to wrap your car wires, it takes spicy to rats when they try to chew through.
Calling for Professional Intervention
While a professional rodent exterminator helps identify and deal with a rodent problem, the service doesn’t guarantee or give a long-term solution.
In other words, this strategy isn’t likely to include a preventive action from rodents returning to your car. Nevertheless, it might give you immediate relief from the problem.
Indoor Parking
Cases of rodent activity in cars tend to be more common in cars parked outdoors. You might want to change your parking methods by using your garage more often.
While parking your car in the garage will help, it’s important to ensure there aren’t entryways like holes through which rodents will pass through.
Regularly Running Your Car Engine
Depending on how busy you are, there are times you don’t use your car for extended periods. What you do during such times is crucial.
Consider running your car engine regularly to scare any rodents that may be nesting within it. To these creatures, such loud sounds send a clear message to find alternative nesting sites.
Raising Your Engine Hood
We mentioned earlier that rodents thrive in dark and secluded areas. With the hood closed, the space housing the engine is dark and can be used by these pests.
The simple act of raising the engine overnight can do a lot to discourage them from staying around.
Removing All Food From the Car
Rodents are always attracted by food. The attraction to your car may be due to the constant availability of food. This is fueled by habits such as leaving food in the car.
You have to be more conscious of what’s left in the car. No food should be left in the car. The absence is likely to make rodents go elsewhere.
Removing Garbage both Within and Around the Car
How do you dispose of garbage? This could be a contributory factor to the chewing of your car wires. Rodents love clutter and will readily thrive around areas with such.
To discourage their presence, clear all forms of garbage both within and around your car.
Introduce Lighting
The reason why lighting should be introduced is similar to why you should keep your car hood up. Both natural and artificial lighting around your car is likely to make it less inviting to rodents.
Have Wire Mesh Cover the Engine Bay
When damage to your car wires becomes significant, you may want to try out some modifications by introducing a wire mesh cover to your engine bay. Car technicians should help out with that.
The purpose of this is to keep rodents from returning to the engine bay.
These are some of the effective ways rodents can be stopped from chewing your car wires. For best results, you might want to consider implementing several of these strategies.