This article takes a look at the types of scorpions in the state of Texas.
People have different views on scorpions. While some find them fascinating, others would cringe upon the sight of these eight-legged arachnids and would do everything to get rid of them.
Well, it’s easy to see why.
The venomous sting from scorpions is a good reason why most people will want to avoid them.
Apart from their stings, people find scorpions scary. Now, these creatures like semi-arid and arid locations like deserts. While this is true, you’ll still find them in non-arid regions.
SEE: Scorpions Of Utah
The weather condition here is known to vary widely with the west considered arid while the east is humid.
Different scorpion varieties or species are found in Texas and we’ll be discussing them shortly.
Scorpion Species in Texas
Texas is home to a variety of scorpion species ranging from the straight-faced solifugid scorpion, the striped bark scorpion, lesser stripetail scorpion and the Texas cave scorpion.
Other species include the giant hairy scorpion, Florida bark scorpion, and the Lindo scorpion.
Each of these scorpion types is identified by unique features. Such features include size, the presence of hair as well as body coloring and shape.
One thing that’s common with all species is that they’re nocturnal and only hunt for prey at night.
Not all scorpion species in Texas are venomous. For those who are, they normally don’t go out of their way to sting humans. They only do so as a defense mechanism when pushed to the wall.
Let’s take a look at each of these scorpion species for more clarity.
Straight-Faced Solifugid Scorpion
The straight-faced solifugid scorpion measures about 6 inches in length and isn’t venomous at all. However, the absence of venom is compensated by its vertically curved claws that deliver painful bites.
Straight-faced solifugids are mostly found in desert regions of Texas.
They’re known to be agile and move at incredible speeds hence the nickname wind scorpions. There have been disputes about whether these creatures are really scorpions or not.
This is mostly hinged on the fact that they have no venom. Nevertheless, they’re still classified as being part of the scorpion family.
Striped Bark Scorpion
As suggested by the name, striped bark scorpions have two dark stripes that run along the length of their body.
The dark stripe color contrasts with their tan or light brown color. These species are venomous. Homeowners have had encounters with striped bark scorpions most of which aren’t pretty.
Unlike a lot of scorpion species that burrow down to hide, striped bark prefer using logs, vegetation, debris and rocks for cover. They prey on a variety of small invertebrates such as insects.
Common insects hunted by them include flies, centipedes, as well as spiders, etc.
Though venomous, the striped bark scorpion doesn’t have venom strong enough to kill humans. When stung or bitten, a significant amount of pain may be experienced. However, this subsides within a short time.
Cases of allergies may arise which require urgent medical attention.
Lesser Striptail Scorpion
The lesser striptail is another scorpion species that can be found in Texas. They tend to be smaller and measure around 1.4 to 2.2 inches long. Although venomous, such do not pose a major risk.
The effects of their stings decrease within a short time. However, this is different for persons with allergies. For such medical help will be needed.
These are among scorpion species with burrowing behavior. You’ll find lesser striptail scorpions around grasslands, rocky slopes as well as scrublands. They prey mainly on insects and spiders.
When compared to a bee, the sting of a leser striptail scorpion pales in comparison.
Identifying this scorpion species may be a bit confusing. This is because they’re quite varied in appearance. You’ll find such marked by yellow to yellow-brown colorings.
Asides from the state of Texas, lesser striptail scorpions can also be found in Arizona, Coahuila, New Mexico, and Chihuahua.
Texas Cave Scorpion
The Texas cave scorpion measures between 40 to 60 mm in length. It’s venomous and has a dark appearance. As suggested by its name, this scorpion species lives in and around caves.
These are most common in the central parts of Texas. A female cave scorpion will nurture her young until they undergo their first molt.
If you’ve encountered this spider species in your home, you may be living in an isolated location.
Although mostly found around cave areas, these scorpion varieties will hide wherever they consider as having adequate cover or shelter.
Such hiding spots include wood piles and underneath rocks.
So, what does it feed on? This scorpion species prey on crickets. They ambush prey by lying in wait until it comes close enough.
Giant Hairy Scorpion
This eight-legged arachnid is easily identified by its large size compared to other scorpion species.
It measures between 4” and 7” in length. Giant hairy scorpions have an olive green to tan appearance and can easily be identified by their yellow legs.
True to their name, giant hairy scorpions are indeed hairy. While these creatures may look menacing, they aren’t as scary as they seem. Their stings are comparable to bee stings as venoms secreted are mild.
Females sometimes cannibalize their male counterparts.
You’ll mostly find giant hairy scorpions is mostly found in desert regions of Texas. They hide beneath rocks and also burrow down to hide.
Like most scorpion species, the giant hairy will immobilize their prey by injecting them with venom while holding them with their pincers.
Florida Bark Scorpion
The Florida bark scorpion is also found in the state of Texas and is known to be venomous. It measures about 4 inches and tends to set up in residential areas. This serves as a source of concern for homeowners.
When in its natural habitat, the Florida bark scorpion is mostly found hiding in wood piles, as well as beneath stones.
Lindo Scorpion
Lindo scorpions are among species found in Texas.
Like the other species, they’re venomous and kill their prey through venom injected into them. They measure about 1.5 inches in length and are largely unknown.
You’ll find these in the desert regions of Florida.
These are the major scorpion species found in the state of Florida. However, this list isn’t exhaustive as there are some other species as well.