One of the most difficult pest issues to have as a homeowner is a rodent presence.

Such rodents are often holed up in undisturbed areas of your home. Here we’ll be looking at a common rodent type; squirrels. These nut-loving pests though cute, can cause a lot of damage to property.

We will also be providing how much to get squirrels out of your attic.

Squirrels In Attic Removal Cost

With squirrel presence confirmed, it’s necessary to take immediate steps to have them removed. Apart from the damage caused to property, these rodents are flea and tick carriers.

These pests (fleas and ticks) can easily get transferred to your pets which worsens your pest issues.

Squirrels will Seek Shelter in your Attic

Whenever you suspect squirrel presence, you’ll need to have a close look at your attic.

Squirrels love the quiet and warmth provided by your attic. Basement ducts and chimneys are other areas of a home where squirrels may be found. Those found in your attic are likely to cause a lot of damage.

Like most rodents, squirrels won’t hesitate to chew on electrical wires and insulation. There’s also likely to be damage to the siding which results from chewing.

It doesn’t matter if it’s aluminum, shingles, or wood siding, squirrels will chew through whatever they can to get to your attic.

Average Cost of Squirrel Removal From Attic

Upon suspecting squirrel presence in your attic, it’s important to take urgent actions to address the problem. For professional removal, you’ll need to pay close attention to the following cost details.

A national average cost of $750 is applicable for this type of pest control.

Squirrel removal falls within an average range of $500 to $800. At the minimum, homeowners may be charged a removal fee of $300. On the other hand, removal costs could climb significantly to about $1,200.

How much you pay for this procedure will be determined by several factors.

Cost Variations

The cost of attic squirrel removal is never the same across the board.

In other words, costs vary due to several factors like the method of removal used, clearing up droppings, dead squirrel removal, removing those in attic fans, and fixing damage caused to the attic.

i. Method of Removal

When it comes to squirrel control, there are lots of removal strategies that can be used. The professional hired determines the method that best fits your situation.

Speaking of squirrel removal methods, the most common types include traps, repellents, funnel doors, ultrasonic repellents, deterrents, and baits.

  • Traps

One of the common squirrel removal strategies used by pest technicians is the use of traps. Traps come in different types and are designed for certain types of outcomes.

Overall, they’re meant to trap squirrels. Most pest control services charge a removal fee of around $200. This includes the cost of visits to inspect the traps.

  • Repellents

Repellents may be preferred over trap use for squirrel removal.

These repellents mostly make conditions within attics unfavorable to squirrels thus causing them to leave. Apart from labor cost which attracts a fee of about $50, the repellents will cost an extra $50.

Although some homeowners may decide to apply the repellents themselves, it’s better to have a professional apply your repellents. This approach tends to result in a better outcome than doing it yourself.

Repellents may include mothballs, as well as pepper-based mixtures or solutions.

  • Funnel Doors

Funnel doors are also called one-way doors and true to their name, they function through exclusion.

When squirrels exit through such doors, they’re unable to return as such doors prevent them from coming back into your attic. Professional installation of exclusion doors is likely to cost around $300.

  • Ultrasonic Repellents

Ultrasonic repellents are another category of repellents used by professionals for squirrel removal.

These work by emitting high frequencies which cannot be picked by the human ear, but create a lot of discomfort for squirrels. This squirrel removal technique costs around $200.

  • Deterrents

Squirrel deterrents are designed to prevent the re-entry of these rodents into your attic.

As an effective preventive strategy, it’s best applicable after the initial treatment. Pest control technicians may charge around $350 for application and subsequent visits.

  • Baits

A professional approach to bait use is most effective for squirrel control.

This is where the services of a licensed pest control technician are needed. Squirrel removal using this method is likely to cause around $150. Hourly labor costs may apply for the bait set.

ii. Clearing of Squirrel Droppings

As most rodents do, squirrels mess their surroundings with urine and droppings.

Cleaning up after a successful removal job is necessary. This has to be handled by a professional due to the risks involved with inhaling the dust from such droppings. A thorough cleanup of the area may cost around $250.

Cleanup costs depend on how messed up the area is. The more messed up it is, the higher the cost of cleanup and vice versa.

iii. Dead Squirrel Removal

When faced with squirrel infestation in your attic, there’s likely to be one or more dead squirrels lying around. Such may worsen your pest situation as insects are likely to be drawn by the decomposing carcasses of these rodents.

So, while removing live squirrels through some of the techniques mentioned, your technician also searches for dead ones. The cost of removing dead squirrels is likely to be around $200.

Removal costs may increase with more dead rodents showing up.

iv. Removing Squirrels in Attic Fan(s)

Attic fans without vent covers are likely to serve as passageways used by squirrels to get into your attic. During removal or treatment, pest technicians check such fans to find out if there are any rodents within or around the fan.

This includes squirrel litters that may be around.

v. Fixing Damage 

After every successful removal, pest control technicians look out for damages caused by these rodents.

Damages may include chewed cable insulations; gnaw marks, burrowed holes, and more. These need to be fixed to prevent future incursion.

Factors Affecting Squirrel Removal Costs

Squirrel removal costs are affected by several factors ranging from labor, the presence of a nest of squirrel babies, removing squirrels that are ill, and also multiple visits.

Attic squirrels’ costs will be determined by all of the above factors.  Using the information, you can make a budget that covers any of these costs.

It’s best to have a technician visit and inspect your attic before issuing a quote.

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