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12 Common Mold Problems In Houses

    Mold causes too many problems in the house, and we’ll be looking at them in detail.

    Mold is one of the most unwelcome guests you can have in your home. This is for many reasons, including their terrible musty smell, their awful looks, and their threat to human health.

    Mold Problems In Most Houses

    If you’ve never experienced a mold problem in your house (which would be very surprising), then you’re extremely lucky.

    But if you have, then you need to quickly take steps to eradicate the problem and prevent them from coming back.

    Keep reading!

    1. Mold Can Damage Household Structure And Materials

    In case you didn’t know, mold is fond of feeding on organic materials. Guess what has plenty of organic materials in it? Your house!

    Such materials include paper, fabrics, wood, and even some forms of glue!

    All these can be found in your home, and a mold infestation would be devastating. Especially if it’s full-blown!

    When mold eats at wooden structures, it causes the wood to rot and break into pieces. This process is slow, but over time you will begin to see the effects of the mold infestation on your woodwork at home.

    Imagine having a mold-infested door post, kitchen cabinet, floorboards, and shelves. If you ignore a mold infestation on your ceiling boards, then you’re taking a huge risk.

    This is because an infestation that is left unattended for long periods can cause the ceiling boards to cave in. The same can be said of floorboards (which can collapse inwards), or walls that can fall.

    Besides doing damage to the home itself, such calamities would be more tragic if a visitor or member of the household gets hit by falling ceiling boards or a collapsing wall.

    As we have mentioned earlier, it would take a while for a mold infestation to cause that kind of damage. But it is bound to happen eventually as the mold population spreads.

    When the deterioration gets to that stage, it means the affected parts of the structure have gone beyond repair. What this means is that you will need to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a replacement.

    All this can be avoided if mold control is practiced early enough. Removing mold is far cheaper than paying for the damages caused in the long term.

    1. Mold Can Spread Through Your Heating, Ventilation, And A/C Systems

    Household mold can be found in areas like the bathroom, kitchen sink, basement, and of course the attic.

    We’re sure you’re already used to seeing mold growth in these areas, but did you know that mold can also grow in the ventilation and air conditioning systems?

    It’s true, mold can also grow in these areas and it can be very damaging!

    What makes this such a big problem is the fact that mold in any of these systems can quickly and easily spread to other parts of your home.

    Let’s not forget that mold can cause allergies and complicate respiratory problems, so having it spread all over the home is dangerous.

    The case is worse for people who are very allergic or have pre-existing respiratory conditions. 

    In recognition of the dangers of mold, it is recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), that you should keep your HVAC systems turned off anytime you suspect you have a mold infestation.

    If this happens, the right thing to do is to have your HVAC thoroughly inspected and cleaned. When you’re sure that it is mold-free, then you can turn the systems back on.

    To be on the safe side, you don’t have to wait until your heating and vent systems are infested with mold before you clean. It would be wise to practice regular inspection and cleaning habits to make sure mold never grows in these systems again.

    If you have no idea how to clean HVAC systems, call a professional to help you out immediately!

    Since we have mentioned how mold can get into your HVAC, spread to other areas of the home, and cause certain health issues, it would be fitting to discuss some of the health problems molds can cause to residents of your home in detail.

    Stay with us!

    Mold And Health Problems At Home

    Mold can be a serious threat to health among individuals, especially those who are prone to allergies or have an existing respiratory problem. It is also a big headache for those who have a weak immune system.

    These problems aren’t minor and can lead to more complicated or life-threatening conditions. This further stresses the need to get rid of mold from your home the moment you notice it.

    Let us take a deeper look at the health problems mold can cause to the members of your household.

    1. Breathing Problems

    When mold grows, its cells, spores, unstable compounds, and fragments all spread into the air.

    These elements are known to produce allergens, mycotoxins, and irritants, some of which are actually toxic to people who have high levels of sensitivity.

    These can cause serious breathing problems to those suffering from asthma.

    To add to that, dampness that encourages mold growth also means that materials will gradually be broken down, which in turn will raise the volume of dust or unwanted particles floating around in the air.

    It is a no-brainer that these broken-down particles will irritate the human lungs, throat, and nose. This is more potent in an individual who already has a breathing problem.

    Those with asthma or other lung conditions are advised not to inhale mold particles, spores, or dust from damaged structures.

    1. Allergic Reactions

    Individuals who are very sensitive or allergy-prone have a high chance of reacting to household mold.

    Mold allergies are very similar to other forms of allergies, being that they produce basically the same symptoms. These include fever, sneezing, and itching. The upper respiratory tract can also be affected.

    Other symptoms of mold-related allergies include the following –

    • Runny or stuffy nose
    • Itching around the nose
    • Sore throat
    • Consistent sneezing
    • Itchy eyes

    For those with asthma, there is a great chance of having an asthma attack if there is mold around the home.

    When mold breaks down your home’s structure, there will be a greater volume of dust mites. These can also cause allergic reactions among some individuals.

    Aspergillosis is a condition caused by the Aspergillus mold species. Unfortunately, they can also be found growing in the home. When people with weak immune systems breathe in the spores of this mold, it can lead to a very severe reaction.

    It is worse among those with serious lung diseases.

    Other Health Conditions Mold Can Cause Among Members Of Your Household

    There are other calamities household mold can cause health-wise. It can trigger the growth of bacteria and microbes. Being exposed to these elements can cause an inflammatory reaction among some individuals.

    This has been confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Furthermore, the WHO also states that the microbial agents produced by mold can raise the risk of fungal and bronchial infections.

    Going by evidence gathered from research, household mold can also lead to the following –

    • hypersensitivity pneumonitis
    • bronchitis
    • allergic alveolitis
    • chronic rhinosinusitis
    • allergic fungal sinusitis
    • lower respiratory tract complications in previously healthy children

    More evidence from the WHO research, as well as the Center For Disease Control (CDC), think that people have displayed the following symptoms after being exposed to environments with mold growth.

    • Irritation of the eye and skin
    • wheezing
    • fever
    • fatigue
    • nausea
    • headaches
    • insomnia
    • mucous membrane irritation
    • sick-building syndrome

    Several factors can influence how members of your household can react to mold growth.

    The two major ones are –

    • The state of the person’s immune system
    • The person’s pre-existing respiratory health condition
    • The amount of mold present in and around the home

    Other Common Mold Problems In Houses

    We’ve taken a close look at how a mold infestation can damage your home’s structure, as well as cause health concerns among its residents. But that’s not where it stops.

    Below are other common mold problems in houses.

    1. It makes your surfaces look terrible

    Imagine the sight of blackish-green mold patterns scattered all over your beautiful walls, ceilings, tiles, and floors!

    Even worse, imagine a visitor coming into your home and finding mold growing in your toilet bowl and bathroom floors. We don’t assume anyone wants to see that, let alone pay a return visit.

    1. It stinks

    Another common household mold problem you will have to deal with is the stench. Mold has an unpleasant musty smell, which neither you nor your visitors will enjoy!

    1. It’ll cost you money

    Removing mold, fixing and replacing the items they have damaged, and preventing them from returning isn’t free. It’ll cost you a decent sum of money.

    So, if you ever notice a mold infestation in your house, have it at the back of your mind that you’d have to part with some money along the way!


    Mold can cause health problems to your household, and aesthetic issues to the building as a whole. Do all you can to remove mold in the early stages before it becomes an even bigger problem.

    Take care!

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