In this article, we’ll be discussing how to get rid of black mold in bathroom walls, floors, and ceilings!

Black mold is one of the most common species of mold you can find in your home.

They grow easily around environments that have excessive moisture and can cause both health and aesthetic problems.

This is why getting rid of mold in and around your property is very important.

Do you see black spots on the ceiling in your bathroom? This may be mold growth.

Bathroom Mold Removal Guide

Your bathroom is one of such places where mold can thrive, all thanks to the amount of water being used there.

When left wet, your bathroom walls, ceilings, and floor all serve as good breeding spaces for mold.

If you’re having this problem and have no idea what to do about it, then keep reading.

What Causes Mold In Bathroom?

Mold thrives where there is moisture, and leaving that area wet and unventilated will encourage mold growth. The truth is, it’s hard to keep mold from growing in your bathroom since it’s a room where water is heavily used.

Besides regular use of water, bad plumbing can also encourage mold growth in your bathroom. Leaking pipes or a clogged drain are among the most common causes.

Bathroom Mold Dangers

Besides giving your bathroom a bad look, mold also has other downsides. Black mold causes allergies and can complicate an already-existing respiratory illness like asthma.

For those suffering from such an illness, or are prone to allergic reactions, then having a bathroom filled with black mold is a bad idea!

Bathroom Black Mold Removal Strategies

It’s easy for mold to grow in an area like your bathroom, but thankfully, it isn’t so hard to get rid of. You can actually do it yourself!

There are so many homemade solutions you can use to get rid of black mold in your bathroom. There are also commercial removal products you can buy for bathroom mold removal.

Whichever approach you decide to take, be rest assured that the mold in your bathroom will be gone in no time.

Here are the things you will need to do the trick –

Now that you’re well equipped, let’s go into more details about bathroom mold removal.

How To Remove Mold On Bathroom Walls

All the splashes from those good times in the shower have taken a toll on your bathroom walls, and now you’ve noticed some mold growth on it.

Not to worry, you can follow these simple steps to get rid of them.

  1. Put on protective clothing

The last thing you’d want to make physical contact with is mold, especially if you’re prone to allergies or have a respiratory condition. This is why this first step is so vital.

Before you begin cleaning the mold, be sure to put on a pair of rubber gloves to keep your fingers from touching the mold. Also, put on a facemask to protect your nose and mouth from flying particles.

If you have one, then put on a pair of goggles too!

  1. Make your cleaning solution

There are several items you can use to make your household mold cleaner. You most likely have them at home already. If you don’t, just take a stroll to a store near you and buy them.

Some items you can use to remove mold from your bathroom walls include the following.

  • Bleach
  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Tea tree oil

In this case, we recommend using bleach. It is a powerful substance that can wipe mold clean and leave your wall tiles looking as good as new.

To clean with bleach, mix one cup of bleach into a gallon of water and stir thoroughly to get a good blend. Pour the mix into your spray bottle then apply the content to the affected areas.

  1. Scrub the walls

Allow it to sit for 10 minutes or so, then scrub the walls with your brush to rip off the mold. Black mold stands no chance against bleach and it should come off easily after application.

  1. Rinse the walls

When you’re done scrubbing the walls, get some water and rinse the walls clean, then use a dry cloth (or old towel) to dab it dry.

How To Remove Mold From Bathroom Ceiling

Do you know how to get rid of black mold in bathroom ceilings? Read on.

Getting black mold off your bathroom ceiling requires almost the same process as taking them off your bathroom walls. The major difference here is you need to reach higher up.

Follow these steps to get mold off your bathroom ceiling.

  1. Protection From Mold On Bathroom Ceiling

If you need protection when cleaning bathroom walls, then you need extra protection when cleaning bathroom ceilings!

This is because the ceiling is more elevated, so the chances of having mold particles or drops of cleaning solution falling into your eyes are higher.

Before you start cleaning your bathroom ceiling, make sure you have on a pair of protective goggles especially. This will keep the harsh bleach solution from entering your eyes.

Keep on the rest of the protective clothing as you do!

  1. Use the same bleach solution

Using the same bleach solution you made, you can spray across the affected areas of the ceiling. Make sure you hit all the spots!

The ceiling requires a longer reach than the walls since it’s high up. What this means is you’ll need to climb a short stool so the content of the spray bottle can hit the target.

After spraying, allow the bleach solution to sit for about 5 to 10 minutes so it can do some real damage to the mold.

After that time elapses, you can move on to the next step.

  1. Sprinkle some water on the ceiling

After the bleach solution has done its job, you can proceed to rinse the ceiling clean. All you need to do this is water.

If you’d like to keep your floors dry and avoid splashes, you can use a dry cloth to wipe the ceiling dry.

Whichever you choose can work, although a rinse guarantees you get out the remnants of the bleach solution, as well as the mold particles left behind.

Removing Mold On Bathroom Floors

Hope you made a sufficient amount of bleach solution to clean the bathroom floors too! If you didn’t, then you’d need to make another batch.

Follow these steps to remove mold from your bathroom floor.

  1. Mop the floors dry

After cleaning the ceiling and walls, there’d be some water splashes on the floor.

Before you apply the bleach solution, it would be wise to mop the floor dry first. This way, the cleaning solution you apply can have a better effect.

When this is done, you can proceed to the next step!

  1. Apply the bleach solution

Since you’re cleaning the floors, you may not need to spray the solution. All you need to do is pour it in a plastic bucket, dip your hard-bristled brush in it, then scrub the floor as hard as you can.

Do this continuously until the mold starts to budge.

Make sure you get every corner of the floor because even the smallest patch of mold can regenerate under moist conditions.

After you have done this, you can mop the floors to pick up all the particles left on the ground. You can also take a dry towel (one that you aren’t using anymore) to dab the rest of the particles away.

Making Sure The Bathroom Mold Doesn’t Come Back

Dealing with mold isn’t something you’d want to do over and over again. This is why you need to take measures to ensure they don’t come back.

Here’s what you can do to keep mold away from your bathroom.

  1. Keep the bathroom ventilated

One of the best ways to tackle bathroom moisture is to keep the space well ventilated. We don’t assume you have a fan in your bathroom, but we’re pretty sure there’s a window there.

Keep it open at all times (or most of the time). This will allow the much-needed air to come in, and will help dry up water splashes faster!

  1. Mop the floors after you take a shower

You use your bathroom every day, this means water will always get on the floor.

If you’re serious about keeping mold away from your bathroom, then mopping the floor after you shower is a great habit to maintain.

If you don’t have shower curtains, then you can install one to keep the splashes controlled. An extra tip here is to keep the curtains open after you shower.

This will allow some air to get into the shower area and keep it dry.

  1. Fix bad plumbing

Water splashes from taking showers aren’t the only reason for bathroom moisture. A leaking pipe or clogged drain can keep water stagnant in your bathroom area.

Get a professional to fix any plumbing issues to reduce unwanted bathroom moisture.

How To Get Rid Of Black Mold In Shower: Grout, Caulk, And Curtains

Here is a guide on removing black mold in shower grout caulk and curtains.

Doing regular cleaning in and around your shower is a great habit to practice, but that doesn’t mean black mold won’t pop up now and then.

It gets worse in the colder months, being that they thrive better in such conditions.

Best Shower Mold Removal Methods That Work!

If you notice any mold growth around the shower areas, then you need to do something fast before they creep into all the cracks and crevices in your shower area.

For anyone who is facing a general mold problem at home, here is a mold remediation guide.

Don’t panic, we are here to help.

This is why in this article, we’ll be showing you:

  • how to remove black mold in the shower generally,
  • how to specifically remove black mold in shower caulking, and
  • the best ways to remove mold in shower grout.

Keep reading!

How To Remove Mold From Shower

Let’s start with the shower. To successfully get rid of black mold in the shower area, you will need a few items.

These include –

Now that you have your tools in hand, follow these instructions to get started.

First, make a solution of one part bleach and two parts water and pour into a spray bottle. The next step is to visit the infested areas and spray the bleach solution across them.

Leave it to sit for about 10 minutes before grabbing your brush and scrubbing away. You would notice that the mold has actually started fading off even before you start brushing.

Scrub the plughole as hard as you can until it is completely free of mold.

To be able to access and clean the smaller spots, you would need a smaller brush. An old toothbrush will suffice in this case.

After you are done scrubbing, you can rinse away the dirty water and bleach. At this point, your shower should be looking as good as new!

Keep in mind that bleach is a very powerful product, which means you have t take caution as you use it.

Follow these safety tips below before you start cleaning with bleach.

  • Always have good ventilation and wear a respirator if you can
  • Wear protective rubber gloves
  • Wear old clothes while cleaning (bleach can discolor clothes, and you don’t want that happening to your new clothes)

How To Remove Mold In Shower Grout

Hopefully, you still have some bleach solution left from cleaning the shower. If you don’t, then you can prepare another batch to clean your shower grout.

Remember, your solution should be one part bleach and two parts water. Give it a proper stir so that everything is well blended.

  • Shower Grout Mold Removal Guide

With your bleach solution in hand, you can spray the affected black mold-infested grout. Make sure you spray all the grout in the shower for best results.

Now grab your nylon brush and begin to scrub the mold away from the shower grout. Scrub as hard as necessary to dislodge the black mold, then rinse away with clean water.

The reason shower grout is prone to a mold infestation is the simple fact that it is porous and can hold water for extended periods. This is why you will find mold in the grout areas before you find them anywhere else around the bathroom.

Now that you’ve dealt with moldy showers, let us show you how to remove mold from shower caulking.

Removing Mold From Shower Caulk

Removing black mold from shower caulking isn’t as easy as removing the mold from the shower grout.

For this reason, you can expect to follow a slightly different procedure when attempting to do this.

  • Shower Caulk Mold Removal Tips

The materials you will need to remove mold from shower caulking include, but may not be limited to the following:

  • A small bowl or plastic container to mix the solution
  • Bleach
  • Protective rubber gloves
  • A respirator mask
  • Baking soda
  • A paintbrush

Once you have these materials in hand, you can follow the steps below to get rid of mold in your shower caulk.

First, you should add some baking soda into the plastic bowl and then throw in some small amounts of bleach. Add some water then begin to stir until the mixture has turned into a fine paste.

Be sure to make more than you actually need, just in case.

Now take the paintbrush and with it, apply the paste mixture all over the mold on your shower caulk. Use plastic wrap to cover the paste on the mold then allow it to sit for about 2 hours.

When the waiting time has elapsed, take off the plastic covering and clean away the paste. At this point, the paste would’ve become dry and the mold will come off as you remove the paste from the caulk.

You can repeat this process if you find that there is still mold on the caulk.

How To Remove Mold From Shower Curtains

Plastic or PEVA shower curtains usually stay damp for extended periods, and this is the reason you can find mold growing there.

  • Shower Curtain Mold Removal Guide

The good news is, shower curtain mold is very easy to get rid of. There are different approaches to this, and we’ll be discussing them below.

Try A Baking Soda and Vinegar Combination

First, take down the shower curtain then throw it into your washing machine. Add some bath towels into the mix, as this will stop the curtain from crinkling during the cycle.

The towels also serve as wash sponges, which makes the cleaning process faster.

Now add ½ cup of baking soda along with your preferred laundry detergent, then begin the wash cycle. When the machine reaches the rinse cycle, you can then add ½ cup of vinegar.

After this, take the curtain out to dry. The sun’s UV rays will help kill whatever is left of the black mold on shower curtains.

This method of mold removal on shower curtains is usually effective, but in case there is still some mold left behind after the wash, then you can repeat the process until all the mold has disappeared.

Keep in mind that shower curtains are made of plastic material, so it’s possible that the solution did not reach all the affected areas. This is why a repeat cycle isn’t a bad idea.

If after you have repeated a cycle the mold still doesn’t come off the shower curtains, then you may need to move on to something stronger than baking soda and vinegar – Bleach!

Removing Mold From Shower Curtains With Bleach

Place the curtain in the washing machine along with some bath towels, just like you did the last time. Now make a solution of ½ cup of bleach and ¼ cup of your preferred detergent, but don’t add it to the machine yet.

Wait until the wash cycle has begun and the machine has been filled with water before you add the bleach solution. The reason we advise you to add the bleach towards the end of the wash cycle is to ensure it doesn’t damage your bath towels.

Now you can take the curtain out to dry in the sun.

If you find that there is still some mold stuck in there, then repeat the cycle until it’s all gone.

You can also just lay the curtain out on a wide surface and use a soft-bristled brush to scrub it off.

Natural Options For Shower Mold Removal Without Bleach

As we can all agree, bleach is a very powerful weapon for mold removal. The problem with bleach is that it isn’t something you would want to be exposed to, thanks to its potentially harmful properties.

Understandably, homeowners would prefer more natural options when it comes to mold removal. This doesn’t come as a surprise since these organic alternatives are non-toxic and are by far safer to use than bleach.

So, if you’re one to tow the natural line, you can use any one of the products listed below to fight mold.

White Vinegar For Mold Removal In Shower

White vinegar is a dependable cleaner that can help you get rid of shower mold. It also has the ability to absorb the musty odor which mold produces.

Although it produces a weird smell of its own, it is nothing compared to mold. Also, the smell from vinegar doesn’t last long. It’ll disappear after a few hours of use, especially if the room is well ventilated.

Baking Soda For Mold Removal In Shower

When baking soda is mixed with some water, it forms a paste that can effectively get rid of black mold in the shower.

If you want a more thorough paste, then mix the baking soda with vinegar instead of water. Be warned though, mixing too much vinegar with baking soda can be “explosive”.

Use very little vinegar if you must mix!

Conclusion On Moldy Bathroom Walls, Ceilings & Floors

Since the shower area has a lot of water activity, you can expect mold to start growing in the shower at some point.

This is hardly a crisis, as shower mold is fairly easy to remove.

Also, as far as water activity is concerned, your bathroom tops the list! This means there’s every chance that mold will grow in there. The good news is, getting rid of bathroom mold is just as easy.

Follow the tips on this article, fix any plumbing issues, and keep the area well ventilated to reduce moisture.

Thanks for reading!

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