RHEEM Furnace Reset Button Location & Troubleshooting

Do you know anything about the RHEEM furnace reset button or where to find it? Of course not—that is why you are in this place.

Don’t be concerned; this article will put you through it.

We’ll talk about where to find the RHEEM furnace rest button. In addition to that, we’ll show you how to rest such units and give you troubleshooting tips.

RHEEM Furnace Reset Button Location

Do you have a RHEEM furnace that’s malfunctioning?

Don’t call an HVAC tech yet, and don’t panic. You may only need to restart it if there is a problem that you can handle on your own.

All you require are the appropriate tools and information.

Reasons to Reset an RHEEM Furnace

For a couple of reasons, you may need to reset your unit. Firstly, loss of fuel due to leakage or broken pipes can cause the reset button to trip.

Secondly, overheating in the furnace can result in insufficient airflow. Other faults can cause your unit to require resetting apart from those listed.

We’ll look at them some other time.

Meanwhile, clean dirty filters and replace broken ones to avoid the listed events. Open the air vents enough for proper airflow and clean the sensor rod regularly.

Moreover, you must check the valves periodically to see if they are closed accidentally. Finally, refill the oil or gas tank when it’s empty.

What’s a RHEEM Furnace Reset Button?

It’s a safety feature designed to turn off the unit when a problem is detected quickly.

The button can be found in colors such as red or yellow. Usually, the reset button trips off when the unit is overheating before tripping the circuit breaker.

Where Can I Find the Reset Button on MY RHEEM Furnace?

This is another excellent question that lingers in the minds of many readers. Don’t worry; locating the reset button on the RHEEM furnace is easy.

First, you must remove the panel housing from the unit’s blower. Look on the side of the blower motor; you’ll see the button in either red or yellow.

However, some models of RHEEM furnaces may require thorough research before spotting this little button. Such models often have their reset buttons within the control panel.

You must, therefore, be aware of its location in advance. Otherwise, you’ll need to consult the user manual or get help from an HVAC expert.

Tips for Resetting an RHEEM Furnace 

Having discussed the button and where to find it, let’s show you how to reset such a unit. Now, the procedure to reset this device differs a bit based on the type of furnace you have.

There are about three types of RHEEM furnaces. We have the electric, gas, and oil-supported RHEEM Furnace. Each of these units has its unique procedure for resetting.

Let’s consider them separately.

  • Resetting a Gas RHEEM Furnace 

The first step to resetting a gas-powered unit is to ensure the pilot light is off. If not, switch off the gas control until the pilot light goes out. Next, lower the thermostat’s level and shut off the circuit breaker.

The power supplying the furnace will be automatically turned off.

You must turn off the main gas supply and open the pilot gas supply line. Relight the pilot light by holding a lit match to the pilot flame jet’s opening.

You’ll see a red button for piezoelectric spark ignition for a furnace with a sealed pilot compartment. Press the button repeatedly until the pilot starts.

What next? Reset the circuit breaker and switch on the primary gas supply. Then, hold down the reset button for around 30 seconds.

The desired temperature is then set using the central thermostat. The device ought to have been correctly reset by this point.

  • Resetting an Electric-Powered RHEEM Furnace

Resetting an electric-supported unit is equally easy, even for beginners. The first thing to do is turn off the power supply to the furnace.

Cut the power off from the circuit breaker for units without a switch. Next, you open the blower housing and locate the reset button.

To give the appliance electricity after you have the button, press it until it clicks, and then return the breaker. The system should start automatically now that the thermostat has provided a signal.

While you do that, you must be cautious because the housing may be hot. Moreover, if the button pops up, press it down. Return the cover to the blower compartment when the power is fully restored.

Troubleshooting Your RHEEM Furnace

You must regularly maintain your system to ensure it functions properly. But that doesn’t mean your unit isn’t susceptible to malfunctioning.

Specific issues can pop up and cause your furnace to lower its efficiency. You can fix some of these issues by troubleshooting your device regularly.

Now you’re checking the furnace filter. Remember that it might become blocked with dirt, dust, and other debris over time, as previously described.

The airflow required to keep your system operating will need to be fixed when this occurs. Moreover, insufficient airflow can prevent the furnace from turning on, and the buildup can become a fire disaster.

Also, check the furnace switch from time to time. The controller can also be accidentally turned off. Check the electrical panel and circuit breakers for blown fuses.

Furthermore, most HVAC systems have a small window that flashes light sequentially. When you see a code, it corresponds to a particular problem.

In that case, you’ll have to flip the sequence of the flashing light. A key will show the meaning of the code inside one of the access panel doors.

Finally, secure the front panel, clear the area around vents and registers, check the thermostat & battery, and schedule regular maintenance.

Resetting your RHEEM furnace, in most cases, will revive its efficiency. But the first problem most starters encounter is locating the reset button and the procedures for resetting such units.

Call a licensed and qualified HVAC technician if your device’s fuse refuses to run smoothly after a successful rest. Do the same if your unit trips multiple times whenever it’s resting.

However, follow the safety tips in your manuals when resetting an RHEEM furnace.

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