Here is a guide on the basement sump pump discharge pipe and extension.

A sump pump hardly functions effectively without a well-laid-out discharge pipe. Sometimes, a discharge pipe may be located in an inconvenient area with the need to extend or redirect it.

Here, attaching an extension will be the right move to make.

In this article, all your sump pump discharge-related questions will be answered. We’ll be looking at the critical role played by sump pump discharge lines in preventing your basement from flooding.

So are you ready? Simply read on for details on these and more.

Sump Pumps and Basement Waterproofing

Basement waterproofing won’t be complete without the presence of a sump pump. The moment your sump pump ceases to function, flooding is bound to occur. Now, the sump pump consists of a system of interconnected parts.

Critical components include the discharge pipes or lines as well as the pump itself.

These convey water away from your basement and foundation. The distance of the discharge point or line has to be far enough to ensure that water doesn’t seep back into the basement.

Here, the design of the sump pump discharge line is crucial to its proper functioning.

What’s Included in a Sump Pump Discharge Line?

One of the keys to having a better understanding of the subject matter is by taking a look at what’s involved. Fail-safes help ensures that a sump pump discharge line hardly develops issues.

An efficient sump pump should have the following features;

A buried sump pump discharge line, check valve, freezing line protection, and a discharge line outlet. All of these components are critical to the smooth functioning of the system.

  • Buried Sump Pump Discharge Line

Sump pump discharge lines are buried to prevent an eyesore and also tripping hazard. This discharge pipe channels out water from your basement and redirects it downhill; away from your home.

The aim of installing the discharge line is to ensure water is safely disposed of and has little chance of returning. Of course, having the discharge line installed (as well as the entire system) will require a certain level of expertise.

In other words, a trained technician or plumber should handle such installation.

When burying the sump pump discharge line, special attention is paid to your landscaping. A good installation job should seek to preserve your landscaping.

  • Check Valve

Another component or section of the sump pump discharge line is the check valve.

So what role does it play? As the name implies, a valve helps prevent backflow. So, with a check valve, water pumped out of your basement is prevented from returning or flowing back into the sump pit.

Will a sump pump discharge line function effectively without the check valve? Not at all! You don’t want water rushing back down to the sump pit every time the pump is switched off.

The check valve helps preserve your pump by ensuring it limits wear and tear.

  • Freezing Line Protection

Temperate regions often present freezing problems.

Here, we’re talking about the cold winter months which bring about frozen sump pump discharge pipes. As expected, a frozen pipe either means the passageway is partially or completely blocked.

At this point, it becomes difficult to dispel such water effectively. A backup of water in your basement creates a serious problem. Luckily, there’s a solution to this.

Freezing line protections can easily be installed into the sump pump discharge line system.

It consists of grated openings usually located at the top. These grated openings serve as secondary exits for flooded water. You’ll have to discuss further with your technician what best suits your need.

  • Discharge Line Outlet

The discharge line outlet is the point through which water exits the system. While such an opening is critical, it’s likely to get clogged with debris, thus leading to blockage or clogging.

One of the ways to prevent such from happening is by having a grated covering installed.

Installation of the grated covering over the discharge line outlet should be done in a way that it’s flush with the ground surface. This helps prevent injuries due to tripping.

It also prevents damage to equipment such as lawnmowers.

Discharge Pipe Extension

As stated earlier, sump pump discharge lines may need to be extended to a more convenient location. To perform or carry out such an extension, basic tools are necessary.

These include a shovel, pipe extension kit, sealer, and drain lines for extra distance coverage.

If you don’t have the skill required to perform a discharge pipe extension, consider leaving such a task to the pros. The installation of discharge pipe extension can be performed in the following simple procedures.

These include having a relocation plan (for discharge pipes located in the wrong place) as well as digging around the targeted area. At this point, the pipe extensions will need to be added.

This is followed by sealing the drain lines and reburying them. Testing of the system should be done last.

  • Having a Relocation Plan

Before the sump pump discharge pipe extension commences, you’ll need to have a relocation plan prepared. This is necessary for pipes wrongly laid out or located.

Here, measurements are taken in addition to a review of yard drainage and flooding.

  • Digging Around the Target Area

The area marked for extension is dug. This needs to be carefully done not to puncture or damage the pipe. Dig around existing lines to ensure it’s well exposed.

It’s trickier to carry out when a maze of pipes is involved. A pro should be able to handle the job easily.

  • Adding Pipe Extensions

Having dug out and exposed the drain line, work commences with the addition of pipe extensions. This action should be taken with careful consideration to resistance.

Pipes with steep upward slopes tend to present more resistance than those with gentle slopes.

  • Sealing Drain Lines & Burying them

With the addition of pipe extensions complete, these will have to be properly sealed. You want to make them water-tight to prevent leakages.

Now, bury these by having them placed and covered in pre-dug trenches.

  • System Testing

To ensure your work is complete and sound, have the system tested.

This is done by filling the sump pit with water using a garden hose. You’ll need to add much water until the float switch rises to activate the sump pump.

That’s the basic information about the sump pump discharge pipe and extension. With this knowledge, you have an idea of its functionality and how to go about it.

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