Also called lint remover, lint rollers serve a wide range of functions asides from removing lint from clothing.

These are used to find tiny shards of broken glass on the floor, get rid of pet hair, clean out purses, clean children’s toys, reach difficult-to-reach corners of drawers, and do drape cleaning.

With lint rollers, you can clean up spilled glitter, dispose of bugs, and collect stray hair in bathrooms. These are only a few uses of linter remover.

However, we’re more interested in discussing how lint rollers are used on clothes. Speaking of clothes, such will include pockets, caps, and a whole range of clothing items.

How Lint Ends up on Clothes

You may wonder why you find lint scattered on your clothes which wasn’t previously the case.

Most lint results from laundry. Organic fibers like wool and cotton form lint due to wear and tear. Such lint becomes more evident during laundry.

Water essentially lifts lint from clothing.

Now there are reasons why your laundry may be covered in lint. These are supposed to be trapped and not end up scattered in the laundry.

When lint is observed in laundry, it may be due to a filled lint trap, clogging issues, and the type of material being laundered.

i. Filled Lint Trap

In most washing machines, lint traps are designed specifically for that purpose. This trap needs to be checked and emptied periodically, especially before filling it with lint.

When ignored, such lint may end up on your clothes.

ii. Clogging Issues

When washing machines work, a series of pushing and pulling (of water) actions occur.

This action, coupled with lint produced from wear and tear, may lead to a gradual accumulation of lint and other debris that could clog up the pump system.

Laundry problems, including lint deposits, mainly result from these.

iii. Type of Material being Laundered

Some clothes tend to shed more lint than others.

Examples include new cotton and loose clothing. With these, your best bet will be to empty your lint trap frequently. This should be able to limit the amount of lint you find in the laundry.

Using Lint Roller on Clothes

It has been necessary to provide some background information on how lint ends up on clothes.

You can adopt preventive strategies while eliminating lint found on clothes. Lint rollers are valuable tools for removing the mess caused by lint on clothes.

So, how is this tool used? It’s easy to use this tool to remove lint from your clothes. First, you need to understand that there are two types; disposable lint rollers and reusable lint rollers.

What’s the difference? The names alone suggest the differences between the two.

As expected, disposable lint rollers are primarily designed for one-time or limited use. These come with sticky rollers that help pick up lint and gunk on clothes.

You’ll need to roll across your clothes to lift off or get rid of lint. After usage, the adhesive sheet laden with lint is peeled off and disposed of.

Unlike disposable lint rollers, reusable ones come with washable adhesives or reusable use combs. This allows for easy reuse by simply washing the mess or gunk. Putting a lint roller to good use isn’t complex at all.

Simply pick your roller up and down your clothing.

This should be done until precise results are seen. That’s as far as it goes with lint roller use. So, is there anything more to know about the topic? There is. It has to do with lint prevention.

To limit your use of lint roller on clothes, you’ll need to take care of the cause(s).

Ways to Prevent Lint on Clothes

You won’t need to use your lint roller frequently with adequate measures to minimize lint on clothes.

The different ways to get the job done include using cold water for laundry, applying a water softener, checking the dryer vent, cleaning the lint trap, and turning your clothes inside out.

i. Using Cold Water for Laundry

Did you know that water temperature contributes to how much lint is shed? Hot water tends to fasten the process of increased lint shedding.

Based on this fact, it’s pretty evident that the best laundry approach will be to use cold water more frequently than you would hot water. With this action, you’re able to maintain your clothing better.

ii. Applying Water Softener

Water softeners serve multiple laundry functions, including limiting lint shedding. Laundry dryer sheets are also known to do the same purpose.

Here, you can choose your preferred option to use during laundry. Whichever you go for, the objective is to have as little lint on your clothes as possible.

iii. Checking Dryer Vent

Dryer vents should also be checked for lint buildup. These help with adequate venting of warm air. Also, the vents help with debris disposal.

So, lint should adequately be disposed of through this vent, right? Not exactly! You’ll need to check every couple of weeks to remove lint and prevent them from returning to the dryer.

iv. Cleaning Lint Trap

We identified the lint trap as a provision for capturing any floating lint during laundry. With continued use, this eventually gets filled up.

With no space for debris filtering, these return to cling onto clothing. Regular cleanup of the filter helps prevent this from happening.

v. Turning Clothes Inside Out

Lint on clothes can be reduced by simply turning them inside out. Not only does this help limit the amount of lint clinging to clothes, but it also better preserves them from discoloration.

So, why prevent lint from attaching to your clothes? You also prolong their lifespan.

Combining both Approaches

Using lint rollers on clothes and adopting preventive strategies give the best results.

Here, you get to remove lint using helpful tools like lint rollers while limiting the chance of this happening in the future. The condition of your washing machine is also better managed.

Using lint rollers on clothes isn’t a complex procedure as long as you follow the basic guidelines provided above.

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