Should there always be water in my sump pump pit? If yes, how high should water level be?

The configuration of sump pumps determines to a large extent how efficient they function or run.

This has a lot to do with the installation process being performed. One component that’s needed for sump pumps to run is a sump pit or basin. This is where water is collected and dispelled from.

Sump Pump Water Level

Now the question is; should there be water in a sump pit for it to function?

To provide a comprehensive answer, we’ll have to take a look at how sump pumps work and whether or not water in the sump basin is necessary for its proper functioning.

Parts of a Sump Pump

To better answer the question posed above, it’s important to first take a look at what makes a sump pump.

First, there’s the pump itself, and then the sump pit or basin. These are two key components that must be installed together for the system to work. The sump pump works in the pit.

By its basic design, a sump pit acts as depression or basin that collects water.

As water continues to flow into the basin, it eventually triggers the sump to action. The sump pump is turned on when the sensor or float switch is raised to a certain level by rising water.

Without the sump pit, there won’t be water collecting centrally. This in turn won’t be able to raise the float switch to trigger the sump pump on.

Having explained these important components of a sump pump system, it’s time to determine whether the water in a sump pit is always necessary for its operation.

Sump Pump Always Has Water

  • How Does Water Get into Sump Pit?

As part of answering the question, you need to first understand that flooding issues will always mean that water steadily seeps into your sump pit. As such, there should be some water in your sump pit.

However, the volume of water matters. A sump pit can sometimes be dry but this shouldn’t be often.

In other words, there are times when a sump pit dries up. However, staying this way for extended periods of time might affect the functioning of your sump pump.

Some little water should be found in the sump pit at least to keep certain sump pump components in good condition.

When a Sump Pit Always Has Water in It

What happens when a sump pit always has some water in it?

Here, the volume of water needs to be determined. In other words, when the water is little, there shouldn’t be any issues with the sump pump system.

However, in situations where the sump pit is always full, then the pump’s functionality needs to be checked.

i. Little Amount of Water in Sump Pit

It’s assumed that whenever water volume rises in a sump pit, it activates the sump pump into action which pumps out excess water.

This is how the normal functioning of the sump pump should be.  As water is pumped out, only a significant portion of it is removed. A little amount is left in the pit.

The sump pump doesn’t come on again until water seepage into the pit causes it to rise to a certain level. This is considered standard operating procedure as long as nothing out of the ordinary occurs.

So, what happens in scenarios where the sump pit is always filled up? This raises many concerns.

ii. A Sump Pit that’s Always Full

As mentioned above, a sump pit that’s always full raises several concerns about the pump’s functionality.

As long as the sump pump works, it should come on as the water level in the sump pit rises to a certain point. However, when the water rises beyond this point, then questions need to be asked.

One of them will be whether the sump pump is broken down. Another question will border on the pumping capacity of the pump. Whatever the case may be, such a situation isn’t normal and needs to be addressed.

An assessment of the reasons for a full sump pit is made and immediate solutions are proffered.

  • Is the Sump Pump Broken?

At some point during its use, a sump pump may break down due to several reasons. Such reasons could include worn-out parts or faulty components.

Sometimes, there could be burnouts that are tied to malfunctions. Under this situation, likely steps taken to fix the problem may include the replacement of parts.

Apart from replacing the sump pump or its parts, some types of fixes could involve basic repairs of electrical components or some other type of malfunctions.

As the sump pump begins to work, it should address the problem of water always filling up the sump pit.

  • The Pump Capacity Needs to be Checked

Your sump pit could always be filled up when a sump pump’s pumping capacity can’t keep up with water seepage. Water seepage into the sump pit could happen so fast that it overwhelms the sump pump.

This is most common in extreme situations such as flooding.

When your sump pump can’t keep up with the volume of water, it becomes a problem. Water fills your sump pit and overflows to other areas of your basement.

Of course, the result will be costly damage to your properties. This is why it’s important to have a functional pump having the capacity to keep out water in severe flooding situations.

Water Pouring into Sump Pump Pit? Call in the Pros

Sump pump malfunctions may happen at some point during its lifespan. When it does, it’s important to call professional plumbing services to assess and fix the problem.

In trying to fix the problem, all the above scenarios are looked at.

No Water In Sump Pump Pit

Having water in your sump pump pit isn’t a bad idea, however…

As a summary of our discussion so far, we’ve seen that having some water in your sump pump pit is a situation that isn’t out of the ordinary.

This is especially true when it doesn’t rise beyond the acceptable levels. A sump pit that’s always full raises many concerns that need to be addressed.

With the information provided above, you should be able to assess whether or not your sump pump is developing a problem. We’ve looked at different scenarios as well as likely factors that underlie such.

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