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Sump Pump Spraying Water – Causes And Possible Fixes

    Sump pumps are designed to work or function in a certain way, and any deviation from the norm signals a problem that must be resolved.

    When things don’t work the way they should, several troubleshooting actions are taken to get to the root cause. In other words, the reasons for spraying water need to be identified.

    Here, we’ll be helping you out by identifying common reasons causing the spraying of water through the weep hole. All you have to do is read the entire article to the end to find out all the details.

    What’s the Relief Hole?

    This is also known as the weep hole and serves the function of preventing airlock. When a sump pump is in an airlock, it means there’s a buildup of air. This is caused by gas buildup underneath the check valve.

    However, with the relief hole in place, an escape path is provided to prevent such buildup.

    Although it’s clear what the relief hole does, it shouldn’t spray excess water. When it starts to spray water, it’s a clear sign that there’s a problem that needs urgent attention. Only guesses can be made at this point.

    To know exactly what the underlying issues are, every option needs to be looked at.

    What Does Spraying Water Mean For Sump Pumps?

    It’s important to clarify what’s meant by spraying water before proceeding.

    This simply translates to a leaky sump pump. In the case of spraying water, this often comes from the weep hole. Any other part of your sump pump such as seals, pipes, etc could also become leaky.

    Spraying water is clearly not normal and needs to be diagnosed and fixed. However, to provide the right fixes, you’ll need help with possible reasons.

    The reasons supplied below give you a heads-up on where to look and how to go about fixing the problem.

    A Sump Pump Should Normally Spray Water but…

    It’s important to note that weep holes are designed to spray some water especially when the sump pump is turned on. This is designed to help release trapped air as earlier mentioned.

    However, when spraying water becomes excessive, it turns problematic and needs to be fixed.

    Possible Reasons For Sump Pump Spraying Water

    Whenever your sump pump begins to spray water, it’s necessary to take a look at different areas of its operation.

    Possible reasons for spraying water in sump pumps include an incorrect weep hole, electrical problems, leaky discharge pipe, leaky joint, and a broken check valve.

    Sump pump spraying water could also be due to loose connections or fittings, as well as excess water. With this said, it’s time to take a look at each of the possible reasons mentioned.

    This will be followed by ways to fix the problem.

    • Incorrect Weep Hole

    Here is why sometimes you see a sump pump weep hole spraying water.

    If this is given as a possible reason for spraying water, it simply means there’s a definite way to drill a weep hole.

    To properly release pressure, there should be proper positioning of the weep hole. Without this, water will easily spray out, thus causing a problem. So, how should a weep hole be properly positioned?

    Proper positioning of a weep hole requires drilling it at a 45-degree angle. There’s also the size of the weep hole. A weep hole that’s too large will spray water excessively. One that’s too small won’t be as functional too.

    To ensure this is properly done, the input of a professional plumber will be required.

    • Electrical Problems

    Spraying water in a sump pump can also be tied to electrical issues. This isn’t as easy to detect for non-professionals.

    When a sump pump sprays water, it could be due to an insufficient power supply. This could harm efficiency. For such issues to be identified and resolved, the help of a technician is necessary.

    Successful detection of underlying issues may require examining your home’s electrical wiring as well as testing the sump pump itself. Of course, professional electrical tools will be needed as well for accurate testing.

    • Leaky Discharge Pipe

    One of the most common causes of spraying water in sump pumps can be attributed to a leaky discharge pipe(s). As cracks develop, it’s only a matter of time before water sprays out.

    The extent of the crack will determine how much water gets sprayed.

    Cracks could be due to free-thaw cycles which cause pipes to expand and contract. Luckily, this type of problem can be fixed through DIY methods.

    However, it’s best to have a professional take a look and possibly fix the problem for you.

    • Leaky Joint(s)

    If your sump pump sprays water, it’s possibly due to a leaky joint. This is a common cause of leakage for sump pumps and especially true for those not having Teflon tapes along with the threading.

    All that’s needed at this point is for the joints to be loosened and Teflon tapes added along the thread.

    When screwed back in place, the leak is mostly taken care of. This has to be done properly for the best results. You can either choose the DIY option or go for the professional approach by calling a plumber.

    • Broken Check Valve

    Do you have problems with the sump pump check valve spraying water?

    The check valve is one component that performs a key function.

    Found within the sump pump discharge pipe, the check valve serves to prevent the backwash of pumped-out water. There are times when such check valves become problematic.

    When they do, problems such as spraying water develop.

    • Loose Fittings

    Loose fittings can also cause spraying water in a sump pump.

    These could be loosened by a lot of factors including seismic activity. With loose fittings, it’s easy to see why water easily sprays from the sump pump.

    Periodic maintenance will require these components or fittings to be tightened.

    • Excess Water

    Excess water can be a causal factor leading to spraying.

    When a sump pump is too small, it can easily get overworked, this could lead to a burn-out or pressure on different parts of the pump. With such, spraying is quite common.

    An appropriately sized sump pump will be required to handle the volume of work.

    These reasons are key to assessing the root causes of spraying water in sump pumps. All you have to do is troubleshoot each of the areas mentioned.

    By hiring a professional, you’re making the process easier and more efficient.

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