Here is all about cleaning mold from concrete blocks, pavers, and patios.

Like your drywalls, shower, kitchen sink, and basement, your concrete patio can also attract mold growth under the right conditions.

Concrete is porous and prone to cracks, which can soak up moisture and create a perfect breeding environment for mold.

Let’s not forget that your patio is covered by shade, which means it is deprived of sun rays which can eliminate moisture and prevent mold growth.

If you find mold growing in that area and have no idea how to deal with it, you’re reading the right article.

Here we’ll discuss removing mold from the concrete patio, block walls, and pavers.

Stay with us!

Why You Should Remove Mold From Your Patio

Your patio is located outdoors, and you may think mold growth in that area is not an issue. Well, it is.

Mold doesn’t look good, so allowing it to grow on your patio affects the beauty of your home. You wouldn’t want your visitors coming across such an eyesore when they make their way into your home.

Secondly, mold is a health hazard. It causes allergies and can affect those with respiratory problems. This is a problem for those who spend much time hanging out on the patio.

Your children and pets can also be exposed to it too!

That’s not all. Mold growth can compromise the structure as a whole. This won’t happen overnight, but you will notice severe deterioration in years to come.

Last but not least, mold has an unpleasant smell, mainly when they occur in large amounts. Why leave your front door with a musty smell?

That being said, follow the steps below for patio mold removal.

The Items You Need For Cleaning Concrete Patios

Cleaning the mold off your concrete patio would mean coming in close contact with the mold itself. For this reason, you should get the necessary gear for safety.

These include rubber gloves to guard your fingers against touching the allergenic mold, a facemask to keep particles from entering your nose and mouth, and mouth, and goggles to protect your eyes from flying pieces of mold.

Other items you will need include –

  • A cleaning solution (commercial or homemade)
  • A bucket
  • Some water
  • A hard brush

Now that you’ve got these in hand, you can start to clean.

Step One: Clear The Patio

Before you begin, ensure the patio is free of any materials or furniture that could hinder the cleaning process. This means taking out the patio chairs, benches, or carpets.

You should also thoroughly sweep or vacuum to remove dust or debris. This would create a freer surface for you to work on.

Step two: Make your cleaning solution.

There are several materials you can make your solution with. These substances can clean and kill mold all at the same time. Some can even eliminate the horrible mold odor.

One such substance is vinegar, which you probably have in your home. Another is bleach, a powerful cleaning product that can remove some of the harshest stains.

Be warned, though. Bleach and vinegar are harmful when ingested, so proceed with caution and keep them out of the reach of pets or children.

The same can be said of a commercial mold cleaner. They are highly toxic but effective. Also, handle with care.

Non-toxic options like lemon juice or essential oils can clean mold, but they aren’t ideal for concrete surfaces. They are better applied for tile and sink cleaning.

If you’re using a commercial mold cleaner, follow the instructions on the pack to make and apply the solution.

For bleach (highly recommended for its cleaning power), add a cup of bleach to a gallon of water. You can mix the materials in a bucket to get a good blend.

When the mix is ready, pour it into a spray bottle and shake again.

Step three: Apply the solution

Using the spray bottle, visit the areas affected by mold and apply the solution. It would be best to spray adequate amounts so the answer will seep into the concrete pores and cracks to kill the hidden mold.

Please leave it to sit for about 15 to 20 minutes, then proceed to the next step.

Step four: Scrub the mold away

Now it’s time to get down and dirty. Grab a hard-bristled brush and scrub the mold patches as hard as possible to dislodge the mold.

The bleach would’ve loosened them up at this point, so it’ll be easier to get it off.

Step five: Use a high-pressure washer

High-pressure washers deliver hard blasts that can wash and leave your patio looking good as new. You can buy one from a home improvement store if you don’t have one.

Make sure you hit all the areas where mold had previously existed and the other regions of your patio. Besides ensuring that all the surface mold has been dislodged, it also allows you to clean the deck thoroughly.

Step six: Mop the area

You can use clean water and a mop to wipe up your concrete patio. This would remove the remnants of the solution and the broken-down mold particles.

After you have dried the patio, retake a close look at it to see if you missed any spots. If you did, you can apply more cleaning solutions to the uncompleted areas and then scrub again.

Do one more inspection, and if the mold stains have been removed, you can proceed to the next step.

Step seven: Vacuum or sweep the patio

Mopping will remove most of the dislodged mold, but some leftover particles will surely be on the ground. To dismiss them, vacuum across the patio to suck up any bits and pieces left.

You can also use a broom to sweep the dead mold leftovers away. However, you have to control the sweep towards the direction of the dustpan. Reckless sweeping may spread the dead mold to other areas.

Remember, dead mold is also hazardous, so you’d want to get rid of them from your yard as a whole.

After the vacuum or sweep, please dispose of the particles by emptying them in your outdoor trash bin, and you’re done!

Your patio is free of mold, and you can enjoy hanging out with your family, friends, and pets!

What To Do When Mold Is Lodged Too Deep Into Patio Cracks?

Cleaning surface mold from your concrete patio isn’t much of a challenge.

This is because they are visible and easy to reach. As for mold lodged just below the patio’s surface, you can kill them by pouring enough amounts of the solution so it can sink in and do the job.

But what about mold that is lodged too deep? Well, that’s a different ball game, and more thorough approaches must be employed.

It is possible that your cleaning solution will not go deep enough to kill the buried mold. This means the surviving mold can grow back on the surface over time.

In such a case, you will need to hire a mold inspector to determine the extent to which mold has penetrated the sub-surface of your concrete patio. Inevitably, the patio has to be dug and redone.

This will cost you some money, but it needs to be done if you’re serious about eliminating all traces of mold in that area.

How To Get Rid Of Mold On Concrete Block Walls

Cleaning mold off concrete block walls is just as easy as cleaning them off patios. Keep in mind that concrete is porous, meaning mold may grow inside the pores.

Follow these tips.

  • Make a bleach solution in a bucket
  • Dip your stiff brush into the solution
  • Use the soaked brush to scrub the affected areas of the concrete walls
  • Rinse down with clean water
  • Repeat the process if need be

When you’re done cleaning, you would like to prevent future mold growth on your concrete block walls. You can easily do this by applying a sealer.

The sealer protects the surface from moisture and penetrates the concrete pores to prevent internal dampness and mold growth.

Ensure that the walls are 100% dry before applying the sealer. If it isn’t, then there will be some moisture trapped inside.

How To Clean Black Mold From Pavers

It is best to clean pavers when the weather is sunny. Cleaning on rainy days will not allow the pavers to dry after cleaning. Check your area’s weather forecast before you begin to be sure.

Mixing one-part bleach and three parts of water can do the trick. Use your stiff brush dipped into the solution to scrub off the mold from your pavers.

You can also use a pressure washer to blast off any black mold remnants.

Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can discolor the pavers. Not to worry, you can always repaint with a paint sealer of your choice.

You can find commercial paint sealers in most home improvement stores.

Once again, wait until the pavers are thoroughly dried before applying the sealer. The natural sunlight and outdoor breeze are all it takes.

You can wait for two to three bright sunny days to ensure all the moisture has disappeared.

How To Prevent Future Mold Growth On Concrete

Now that you’ve gotten rid of the mold from concrete structures, you should take steps to prevent them from returning.

One of the best ways to do this is by sealing the concrete with a high-quality acrylic sealer. Be sure to buy one that’s exclusively made for outdoor use.

Before applying the sealer, ensure that the concrete is 10% dry. If the surface is wet, the sealer will not latch on and penetrate the pores effectively.

If you just had the concrete patio redone, you should wait for at least three days before applying the sealer. By this time, the outdoor breeze would’ve dried it up.

It is highly recommended that you use a low-solids solvent-based sealer to do the job. This will allow better breathability, especially when considering warm and humid exposure conditions.


Removing mold from concrete isn’t such a difficult task, significantly if it’s only growing on the surface. All you need to do is follow the tips provided in this article.

If the mold is deep inside, you can hire a professional mold remediation service to handle the job. This could demand that your concrete patio, wall, or paver be broken and redone.

As long as the mold is removed, its mission is accomplished.

We hope this article on removing mold from the concrete has been helpful.

Thanks for reading!

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